Wind correction.



I have read about cross wind and understand what you need to correct on target. My ? is if i'm shooting stright north and have wind coming south to north is any correction needed and also north to south? I haven't read anything about this. Mike
I have read about cross wind and understand what you need to correct on target. My ? is if i'm shooting stright north and have wind coming south to north is any correction needed and also north to south? I haven't read anything about this. Mike

Yes the wind coming at you you will hit lower than your point of aim. Wind coming from behind you you will hit higher than your point of aim
Yes the wind coming at you you will hit lower than your point of aim. Wind coming from behind you you will hit higher than your point of aim

I thought that was the case. I'm guessing the correction would be the wind speed,is it as great as a cross wind?
I thought that was the case. I'm guessing the correction would be the wind speed,is it as great as a cross wind?

Mike, Shooting sighters is the key as to where the bullet will hit. Depending on the conditions I may shoot up to 30-40 sighters on one target. At my home club, Boerne Shooting Range, we've dealt with the case where the wind is coming at you 12 o'clock and the bullet is hitting high. Why, I have a theory because of the layout of the berms and it's causing the wind to get under the bullets path flight and there's a stronger updraft at the backend before the target. It just comes down to studying the conditions and what you shots are telling you.
To help you understand what is happening . sighters and a set of good wind flags..
CAUTION all wind flags LIE at some time. You have to figure out which one !!
To help you understand what is happening . sighters and a set of ; wind flags..
CAUTION all wind flags LIE at some time. You have to figure out which one !!

You need to google shooting in the wind and get one of those wind offset roses. They sort of look like a "S" the offsets are not straight forward. For instance a 12 wind will hit a little low. A 11:00 wind will be slightly high and left. A 1:00 wind should never be shot, it will be very low and right, you will be lucky to get a 25.
Wind effects, the effects you can visualize with flags, are somewhat different from hour to hour, range to range, etc... The right way to shoot a score target is to shoot a sighter and do whatever it says to do. If you have a good rifle and the wind doesn't change the bullet hole will appear where you wanted it to appear. Simple on paper, more difficult trying to do it, but the better your rifle shoots, the easier it is to accomplish.

If you plan to remember conditions and shoot any change without first shooting a sighter....I wish you well!
Just getting back into rim fire shooting been 58yrs since I shot any targets, lots of big game. Back in early 60,s a wind flag was a hand full of dirt, no ear plugs, but some really good 52s & annies. No plugs is why I say huu a lot. I have been going to local match around here and learning a lot. Lots of fun and I don't score very high, but higher than first time. I know practice , practice. Thanks Mike
To help you understand what is happening . sighters and a set of good wind flags..
CAUTION all wind flags LIE at some time. You have to figure out which one !!


My flags all seem to point in different directions most of the time. Do you know anyone who can calibrate flags so they all will show the same condition? It sure would make things easier. Cliff Keese once told me he took his flags to the local Sherriff's office and put them on the lie detector to weed out those that lie.

Ken Henderson

Do you know anyone who can calibrate flags so they all will show the same condition?
Ken Henderson

I've found that the liberal use of epoxy on all the moving parts of a flag system allows you to choose whatever wind condition you prefer. As an added bonus, you never have to look at them again once they're set out.

I've found that the liberal use of epoxy on all the moving parts of a flag system allows you to choose whatever wind condition you prefer. As an added bonus, you never have to look at them again once they're set out.


Come on all you comedians! Wind flags never lie! They tell exactly at that instance what is going on. They are telling you; you aren't listening. Sort of like wifes(lol)
Come on all you comedians! Wind flags never lie! They tell exactly at that instance what is going on. They are telling you; you aren't listening. Sort of like wifes(lol)

So if my wife speaks in the forest and nobody l still wrong?

My flags all seem to point in different directions most of the time. Do you know anyone who can calibrate flags so they all will show the same condition? It sure would make things easier. Cliff Keese once told me he took his flags to the local Sherriff's office and put them on the lie detector to weed out those that lie.

Ken Henderson

Ken, I go one step further....IGNORE THE FLAGS. Works for me.. check out my scores.
Just put them out to confuse the competition, and they look so COOL in the wind!
If you shoot FAIRCHANCE you know !


I find it hard to totally ignore the flags since they do look so cool pointed in all different directions. I usually admire them between shots. I just don't bother to look at them when I'm actually shooting.:D

I like Landy's epoxy suggestion. If I did that it would mean an extra piece of equipment to carry. An accurate compass would be required to set the flags to the desired condition I like to shoot. Most likely would still wind up having one or more pointed wrong.:(

Wind and Flags

The problem with wind at least everywhere I shoot, is there are berms on three sides and trees on the third. Then there is the two hundred berm, one hundred yard berm, and of course the 50 yard berm. The wind bounces in all directions, swirls, climes, and drops. Flags....well I have used a bench flag. But, mostly I just rely on my face and practice shots.
I must say that can't shoot without flags. But they are sometimes a nightmare. I use them most to say to me... wait!

To rely on just sighters, without flags you need to continuously shoot at sighters and believe that nothing changed when you aim to score.

So back to flags. Set them vertical and where, range dependent, to put them down the way is a case of experience and looking the surrounds.
And there's more than flags... there are the wind indicators.. there are the up/down meters...
Keep the system simple and learn what they show. Frustrated because each flag is alive and point in a different direction? Trust them because they are showing (most of the time) what the wind is doing.
There are ranges where I only shoot with right wind, others with left one. Try to shoot when all of them point the same direction. I tend not to shoot at typical 6 or 12 direction, as a small direction change means a huge change in impact.
And one particular range over here that when no flag is moving... I wish you luck hitting the center.

And remember, the watch doesn't stop, and gambling could be the game.
The problem with wind at least everywhere I shoot, is there are berms on three sides and trees on the third. Then there is the two hundred berm, one hundred yard berm, and of course the 50 yard berm. The wind bounces in all directions, swirls, climes, and drops. Flags....well I have used a bench flag. But, mostly I just rely on my face and practice shots.

That's great for when you tape a target to to end of your nose......not much else.