Wild River Air Rifle - USARB Report Outdoor 5/08/19


Wild River Air Rifle - USARB Report Outdoor May 8, 2019
It was our first outdoor match of 2019. We saw a few 250’s, and we have a possible 50 yard record score shot (Joe will have to verify). Ralph the Wind God did visit us from time to time causing some totally undeserved errant hits. Boomer, you were missed!

Shooter Class Equipment Tar. 1 Tar. 2 Tar. 3 Total
Relay I
Steve Ware LV R.A.W. BM500 .177 240 4x 247 6x 238 2x 725 12x

Ron Silveira HV Thomas BR .177 248 12x 245 9x 248 15x 741 36x
Tom Santos HV Feinwerkbau P70 .177 235 3x 231 1x 236 3x 702 7x

Tony Farcello Opn Feinwerkbau P70 .177 247 13x 238 3x 244 7x 729 23x

Dick Strever 50-Yd. Opn C.S. Sumo .22 241 2x 237 3x 234 5x 712 10x

Relay II
Ron Silveira HV Thomas BR .177 250 13x 250 13x 249 14x 749 40x
Steve Ware HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 248 13x 250 9x 240 9x 738 31x

Tony Farcello Opn Feinwerkbau P70 .177 244 8x 245 4x 235 4x 724 16x

Dick Strever 50-Yd. Opn Thomas BR .177 218 3x 234 9x 235 9x 687 21x

Next rifle competition will be Outdoors May 22, beginning at 9:15 am.
Steve Ware, Match Director
Excellent, Excellent, Excellent,

Ron, It does not seem to make any difference where you shoot, indoors or outdoors to get scores like that.
Incretatable shooting. I wish we lived closer to your area so we could learn from the best. Doug and Vipha.