Wild River Air Rifle (Grants Pass, OR) - USARB Report Outdoors July 26, 2017


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Wild River Air Rifle (Grants Pass, OR) - USARB Report Outdoors July 26, 2017

Several of us noted deteriorating scores after the first card in Relay #1. Winds became a bit
switchier. Congratulations to Ron for 4 250’s!

Shooter Class Equipment Tar. 1 Tar. 2 Tar. 3 Total

Relay I
Mike Aber LV R.A.W. BM500 .177 247 7x 246 9x 241 8x 734 24x
Bill Davis LV A.A. S400MPR .177 243 6x 232 4x 234 4x 709 14x

Ron Silveira HV Thomas BR .177 250 12x 250 13x 249 14x 749 39x
Tom Santos HV Feinwerkbau P70FT .177 247 10x 245 6x 247 10x 739 26x
Steve Ware HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 248 9x 243 7x 244 10x 735 26x
Frank Kodl HV Thomas BR .177 239 2x 236 6x 236 1x 711 9x

Dick Strever Opn C.S. Sumo .177 241 7x 247 5x 241 6x 729 18x

Relay II
Mike Aber LV R.A.W. BM500 .177 235 3x 242 6x 244 5x 721 14x

Ron Silveira Opn Thomas BR .177 250 12x 247 10x 250 11x 747 33x

Dick Strever Unl C.S. Sumo .177 247 7x 249 17x 245 10x 741 34x\

Next rifle competition will be Outdoors August 9 beginning at 9:15 am.

Steve Ware, Match Director