Wild River Air Rifle (Grants Pass, OR) - USARB Report Outdoors August 24, 2016


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Wild River Air Rifle (Grants Pass, OR) - USARB Report Outdoors August 24, 2016

This 2 series/match has really caught on. Folks are having to enter Open & Unlimited as they fill their 6 cards/month per class for Scoreline. Jim Benson says he’s hanging up the springer for the season. He’s top of the heap in Scoreline. We’ll see if that holds and how things go for him in Oxnard next month. Dick Strever’s Sumo continues to do well in Open, and Ron has finally gotten a 9 card average in LV.

Shooter Class Equipment Tar. 1 Tar. 2 Tar. 3 Total

Relay I

Ron Silveira LV Thomas BR .177 249 9x 248 10x 247 10x 744 29x

Chris Lovitt LV Benjamin Marauder .177 243 10x 244 6x 242 6x 729 22x

Mike Aber LV Thomas BR .177 248 4x 241 6x 238 7x 727 17x

Steve Ware LV R.A.W. BM500 .177 241 5x 237 5x 241 7x 719 17x

Frank Kodl LV Air Arms MPR FT .177 240 4x 239 6x 236 8x 715 18x

Tom Santos HV Feinwerkbau P70FT .177 249 12x 249 8x 245 6x 743 26x

Dick Strever Open C.S. Sumo .177 245 5x 241 10x 249 11x 735 26x

Tony Farcello Open R.A.W. TM1000 .177 241 6x 243 7x 240 6x 724 19x

Jim Benson SP Feinwerkbau 300S .177 236 4x 233 4x 227 3x 696 11x

Relay II

Ron Silveira LV Thomas BR .177 247 10x 244 8x 242 10x 733 28x

Mike Aber HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 244 8x 246 11x 245 7x 735 26x

Chris Lovitt HV Benjamin Marauder .177 243 7x 247 6x 242 1x 732 14x

Tony Farcello Open R.A.W. TM1000 .177 241 13x 243 9x 240 5x 724 27x

Dick Strever Unl. C.S. Sumo .177 244 5x 248 7x 249 13x 741 25x

Jim Benson SP Feinwerkbau 300S .177 230 1x 238 5x 219 2x 687 8x

Next tournament will be Outdoors September 14 beginning at 9:00 am.

Steve Ware, Match Director