Wild River Air Rifle (Grants Pass,OR) - USARB Report Indoors January 25, 2017


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Wild River Air Rifle (Grants Pass,OR) - USARB Report Indoors January 25, 2017

Sorry I missed this one. The creepy crud invaded my body. Congratulations to Chris for taking HV in both relays. Tony keeps shooting in the 700’s in Spring Piston regularly, very consistent. I do believe we have Bill Davis hooked. Great to have you, Bill.

Shooter Class Equipment Tar. 1 Tar. 2 Tar. 3 Total

Relay I

Dick Strever LV Thomas BR .177 246 11x 246 10x 249 16x 741 37x

Mike Aber LV Thomas BR .177 250 10x 245 5x 244 9x 739 24x

Bill Davis LV A.A. S400 MPR .177 237 4x 240 7x 249 7x 726 18x

Chris Lovitt HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 248 17x 250 15x 249 16x 747 48x

Ron Silveira HV Thomas BR .177 250 15x 249 16x 248 10x 747 41x

Tom Santos HV Feinwerkbau P70FT .177 246 7x 240 4x 250 12x 736 23x

Frank Kodl HV Thomas BR .177 244 9x 240 7x 242 6x 726 22x

Tony Farcello SP Feinwerkbau 300S .177 238 3x 231 2x 233 6x 702 11x

Relay II

Mike Aber LV Thomas BR .177 248 5x 250 15x 248 10x 746 30x

Frank Kodl LV Thomas BR .177 244 10x 239 6x 247 7x 730 23x

Chris Lovitt HV R.A.W. TM1000 .177 250 18x 248 16x 250 13x 748 47x

Dick Strever HV Thomas BR .177 249 13x 250 12x 247 16x 746 41x

Ron Silveira HV Thomas BR .177 246 15x 250 15x 248 11x 744 41x

Tony Farcello HV Feinwerkbau P70FT .177 247 6x 250 11x DNF 497 17x

Next rifle competition will be Indoors February 8 beginning at 9:00 am.

Steve Ware, Match Director
Great results all the way around!

Chris, nice shoot'n. A 1495 with 95 X's. Not too shabby at all.

And all of us better be aware of these Springers. They (the shooters) seem to have figured things out.

Go Patriots.
