
Charles E

From the forum rules in the "Posting Permissions" box:

By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

You missed "profane." Or is that covered by "no religious discussions"?
OK, where is it! I scan read 2000 posts and can't find it anywhere...except I know it's coming in that "humor" thread. Already there but I'm trying not to be....well...don't know exactly what I'm trying not to be but I'm trying not to be something.
No, I didn't see any profanities, I was just reading the rules for some reason.

A lot of good words are classified as either profanities, vulgarities, or obscenities. Now personally, I prefer obscenities, but they are not allowed. Profanities are my least favorites. Guess I'll just have to pass.
Hey, I didn't see where you'd covered references to distasteful acts performed with jellied preserves, nor things one can do with a set of eyebrow pluckers if one is so inclined......

What about mastication? Can we talk about mastication??


Relax Wilbur...... we're all enjoying your return.

Well most of us anyways

Love Ya


I mean, where we gonna' go with this?

I find "Hambone" to be repellent because I know what it refers to but ?????

It don't confront me unless I let it...... or my ten yr-old kid asks me "why that name? What's 'at mean?"

My kids also work out vanity plates while driving down the road. And there's a huge segment of the population that finds it amusing to "slip one by"...

Top Gear UK showcases such plates on their driving show, giggle-giggle.

Thank you Wilbur for keeping it out in the open, my take is very simple. WHAT YOU SAY GOES!!! And I feel strongly that you've got 99.9% of the boardmembers stacked up behind you. The simplest, gentlest nudge is all that will ever be needed. Anyone tries "slip on by" The Wilbur and I feel a looming hammer just WAITING to drop....... WANTING to drop...... the hardies that trot around in front of the bulls at Pamplona ain't seen NUTTIN' compared to the wrath of a tottering pile of NASCAR fans with God on their side :)


Well, dadgummit, I guess I am going to have to turn off that big cooking pot of plums, and stop talking about that Morman Guy running for President......jackie
I find "Hambone" to be repellent because I know what it refers to but ?????
With this particular individual, I always figured it referred to


Just a hunch. Where else would he get a notion of patois, (the language most spoken by the people of Jamaica)? He has Latin proverbs bookmarked; can't do that with patois. Of course, I could well be wrong; he'll certainly say so.

"Why" is a different question. No idea. Why do I care? He posts pictures of military action figures. I prefer Sun Tzu's advice.

* * *

But leave in "inference." I can't function without it. Now "implication," outside of mathematical logic, I can do without.


I kinda agree with Jackie, too. Where is Teddy Roosevelt when we really need him?
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OK Jackie!

It's none of our business that you're cooking plums for Je**y in the privacy of your abode. But when you come her writin' about it that's another story.
I could well be wrong; he'll certainly say so.


You are so wrong.............But then what else can we expect?

The view is always rather restricted.

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