Wilbur -- new forum?

Charles E

I know we have the "General Forum," but..

I found this forum as one of the many on "The Straight Dope" site. The description seems perfect with BR Central's new, sort-of-social function:

Mundane Pointless Stuff I Must Share (MPSIMS)

Note adhering to the forum description will still rule out politics & religion -- unless, say, from the 16th century...
one of my sites has a politics and humor site.....
a couple of rules...no vulgarity no foul language .but an open forum unmoderated.....
Competitive shooting is what this site is all about and I vote to keep it just that.

You fellows can hang out at those political sites you already belong to so there is no need to bring all of that poison over here.

its on a shooting site.....
i for one do not hang out at any political/party site...well gun sites are typically pro constitution...

mike in co
Competitive shooting is what this site is all about and I vote to keep it just that.

You fellows can hang out at those political sites you already belong to so there is no need to bring all of that poison over here.

Competitive shooting is what this site is all about and I vote to keep it just that.

You fellows can hang out at those political sites you already belong to so there is no need to bring all of that poison over here.


I believe that's Charles' point....
Anybody with a computor knows how to find any site,humor favorite movies,what ever, lets keep this a shooting BR site.

Here's a taste:


Even a post on how to get a machine gun...


Still, I'd advocate no politics more recent than Cardinal Richeleiu and Louis XIV...Francis probably speaks French...

Charles, just for grins and giggles I checked out the first link. OK, nothing in particular jumped out and right as I was about to leave I saw.......THIS!


Once you start, you will wonder why you are reading it. However, something amongst all of that will make you chuckle. I promise. Yeah, it's juvenile and all, but some of it is just humorously described.

I understand wanting this to be a shooting site, but perhaps there is a use for posting something unrelated at times.

Not at all,but General Discussion should be about shooting !
I think the old curmudgeons who moderate this site generally do a good job.

Politics occasionally sneaks into General Discussion although not religion - firearms discussion will always be intrinsically related to politics.

MPSIMS sounds like a good idea, but I like the way content is generally limited to firearms topics not related to BR.

Isn't everything interesting firearms related?

Hmmm... I think I remember a thread drifting off into the relative attractiveness of women on TV...

IIRC I should look out for Brandi from Storage Wars and Megyn Kelly from Fox News on America Live.

It's a good thread and I hope Jackie's wife doesn't come down on him too hard!
Hmmm... I think I remember a thread drifting off into the relative attractiveness of women on TV...

IIRC I should look out for Brandi from Storage Wars and Megyn Kelly from Fox News on America Live.

It's a good thread and I hope Jackie's wife doesn't come down on him too hard!

Hmm. For us old timers, it was Ginger versus Mary Ann. Then there's that coffee thread on the Factory/hybrid forum -- though for some of us, coffee is an important part of shooting, esp. match 1, relay 1...
Defining "subjects related to shooting"..........

What we're really talking about here is simply the difference between various personalities.

As one of the worst offenders I'll police myself more vigorously altho as has been mentioned, shooting often IS a political subject and as such some of us warrant it's inclusion here. Or at least reference to political subject matter which directly affects our shooting (right or privilege)

2nd Amendment subjects are touchy....... why? On a shooting forum? To ME this is disingenuous but I happily defer to the moderator and to public opinion.

Trying daily to define the line,

Defining "subjects related to shooting"..........

What we're really talking about here is simply the difference between various personalities.

As one of the worst offenders I'll police myself more vigorously altho as has been mentioned, shooting often IS a political subject and as such some of us warrant it's inclusion here. Or at least reference to political subject matter which directly affects our shooting (right or privilege)

2nd Amendment subjects are touchy....... why? On a shooting forum? To ME this is disingenuous but I happily defer to the moderator and to public opinion.

Trying daily to define the line,


I had to look up "disingenuous". The dictionary page gave me the definition but there was a sidebar with something about Obama. I found that amusing.

Yes, that's a wide/tall grey line of the most difficult nature. Trying to find the edges of that line is secondary to our individual attitudes that have developed over time concerning each other.
I think this would be a good place to ask...

We're about to embark on a past due (15 years past) revamp of the site. Any suggestions concerning features, content, etc...?
I had to look up "disingenuous". The dictionary page gave me the definition but there was a sidebar with something about Obama. I found that amusing.

Yes, that's a wide/tall grey line of the most difficult nature. Trying to find the edges of that line is secondary to our individual attitudes that have developed over time concerning each other.

LOL!!! See what I mean?

Wilbur you are a genius spotting "teaching moments."


Leave my grandfather out of this, the Cardinal I mean. He is one of my ancestors.

get a search engine that works ???
mike in co
We're about to embark on a past due (15 years past) revamp of the site. Any suggestions concerning features, content, etc...?