Who is 2010 contact for the Shamrock shoot?

I assume it will be the same as last year. Mark Trexler is the club president and his email is mtrexler@evanscabinet.com .

I hope I'll be able to make it, but it's iffy. My daughter is due to deliver my first grandchild March 19. Whenever I say "I AM going to the Shamrock!" my wife gives me a dirty look. My daughter has orders to deliver early, but she has never paid much attention to me.
March 20-21

Thanks Francis, I saw that date on the SE Region web sight but it reads schedule for 2009, hence the confusion. Upon closer examination all those dates do line up with the 2K10 calendar.
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Will the poor babies be thawed out but then?
I predict global warming in June.

Francis, this sure looks bad for Global Warming. They may have to rename it to Climate Change if this keeps up!!

It's cold everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, England, Germany, etc.

Just last week our illustrious leader had to rush back from Copenhagen to beat a big snow storm that was heading for Washington DC.

Poor ALGORE doesn't get any respect anymore.

Dan, go to www.mggoa.com then click on Shamrock Shoot for the last two years results and contact info.
2010 Dates for the Shamrock at MGGOA

(Our Shamrock VIII NBRSA Match is fast approaching. It will be held Saturday and Sunday, March 20th and 21st.) This is from our Home Page at www.mggoa.com

Give Mark a call at 478-272-2530 and he can tell you who you need to talk to
about registering for the match..:)
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