Which reloading kit?



I have to think that many of you all have been in this situation. Teaching a friend and his 15 year old how to reload. They are hunters, not shooters. All the BR stuff is not mentioned. They are making good progress and are soon ready for their own equipment at home. It would be easy for me to send them on their way with a mixed and matched bunch of stuff that I have but I was thing of a rock chucker kit. They are three hunnert bucks everywhere. Seems like a hell of a deal. I am damn near crippled and this kid helps me a lot so it's gonna be a gift. Can anyone think of something better? I got my kit before the flood and things are still working fine, for hunting, casual shooting of course.

Tim Thompson
Hanover PA
i'll throw in my 2 cents worth..
yep the amazon free shipping and rebate looks good..
use the rebate for a nice set of dies