What kind of groups


New member
What kind of groups does a rifle have to be capable of to be competitive in benchrest shooting such as USBR,PSL, or ARA. Can a rifle that can consistently shoot below .250 be competitive. If not does it take something closer to .200 to be competitive. Sorry, I am a second year benchrest shooter trying to find some answers. Thanks for any help provided.
Depends on the target. You need about 35- 40 shots per target for sighters and score. So ideally, the rifle should group less than .300 ctc for 40 shots. That is not an easy thing to accomplish and most don't. Ammo and barrels are not created equal.
Groups are interesting BUT, I'd suggest getting a couple ARA targets. Shoot above 2,000 is a good marker. I've had a Rem541 that could shoot over 1850 and in club matches I was occasionally able to get in top 3. Had a great CZ that was lucky to get over 1200 but, shot nice tight groups. But, I eventually got a custom Suhl and shot well over 2,000 and could go most places and compete. Wish I still had it.

Truth is, a rifle that will consistently group well is a good rifle. That said, conditions play the other half of the game. Bottom line is that you need a good rifle to learn how to shoot. Once you learn to shoot, if you get a better rifle, you'll have to make a few changes but not many.

The better the rifle will shoot, the less you depend on luck. Never stop looking for a better rifle!
tis a slippery slope at best. silmilar to " a house (Boat) is a hole in the ground ( water) into which one pours money".