What is it and why??


big k

see attached pix
Both cases are WW 300 Win Mag

Is the one case on the right someones wildcat?

Both case mouths measure the same. case lengths are the same.

Any body have any idea's??


  • 300 ww  win mag 001.jpg
    300 ww win mag 001.jpg
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What is it and why?

Yup. Radius shoulder and neck, gotta be someone thought there was only one flavor of 300 Mag. Thank goodness it headspaces on the belt. Wonder how much freebore that 300 Weatherby had on that shot? Why? Some people just gotta discover you gotta be smarter than what you're working on.
I've come across quite a few 300 win's that get blown out into 300 weatherby short necks ;)

While I'll all for the 2nd amendment, especially without infringments, often times trips to the range leave me shaking my head wondering if we couldn't prevent a few of these folks from owning guns. Like the time I was on the pistol range, and the guy a few benches down decides to check/change his target. Only, it's while folks are firing, he doesn't call a cease fire, he just saunters on down range :O I unloaded my gun, put it on the bench and called a cease fire, then when the nimrod was back I mentioned it might be a good idea to call a cease fire before heading down range.
Yep, I checked and compared the case dimensions and you are right. The case on the win mag is 2.620 and on the weatherby mag it is 2.825 this accounts for the case neck being so short.
I hope who ever did this didn't do it because of the price difference in a box of shells.:(

Thanks you both for the help

big k
Paul, couldn't agree more...

I've come across quite a few 300 win's that get blown out into 300 weatherby short necks ;)

While I'll all for the 2nd amendment, especially without infringments, often times trips to the range leave me shaking my head wondering if we couldn't prevent a few of these folks from owning guns. Like the time I was on the pistol range, and the guy a few benches down decides to check/change his target. Only, it's while folks are firing, he doesn't call a cease fire, he just saunters on down range :O I unloaded my gun, put it on the bench and called a cease fire, then when the nimrod was back I mentioned it might be a good idea to call a cease fire before heading down range.

A number of years ago I was at a public range, a guy came in with two small children, laid his 30-30 Win on the bench right behind me, grabbed his target and headed for the 100 yard line with his Kids in tow.

This range had sirens and red lights that went off immediately, the guy kept on walking to the 100 yard line with his kids. The range master walked out to jump his ass and he could not understand a word of English....

I packed up my stuff and left, shook me up so bad there was not point in shooting anymore that day.

I had a guy come in the shop one day, bought a box of 32 S&W ammo. Came back a couple days later telling me the ammo was not good, everyone of them blew up in his gun? Asked to see them and the gun.....

Yep, 32 S&W ammo fired in a junk 38 S&W and the clown fired them all.

My best one was on a duck hunt with my father. We were sitting at the back of our camper having a cup of coffee when we seen the guy walking down the road toward us, he did not look happy. So I asked if everthing was ok. Told us he borrowed gun from his brother-n-law and could not get it loaded. He was upset because he had missed some really good shots.

I told him I knew guns pretty well, maybe I could help. He handed me his gun, really nice Mod 12, 20 gauge...... yep, you guessed it, 12 gauge shells, 3" mag to boot......

As a former Hunter Safety Instructor for the State of California, I seen some wild people come thru my classes, it is amazing we don't have more accidents......

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Well, God looks out........

for fools, it helps, though, that arms companies do their best to make guns that peel open, rather than fragment. BIG help.
3" mags, 2 3/4" chamber.

We keep a side by side 12ga in our gun safe to use as a prop in our Hunter Ed classes. It's ruined, the lump is hammered and the gun closes with about .015 slop, you can shake the action or flex it and see light through it between barrels and receiver. It's been fired too many times with 3" mags.

There are STILL "veteran duckhunters" out there who share the "SECRET" that you can shoot 3" mags in ANY 12ga SHOTGUN!! Of course the guns buck like the proverbial mule (which serves to convince the "veteran" that it's "really shooting hard!") They go on to brag about taking ducks/geese at monstrous yardages with their souped up shottyguns......

Obviously none of them are reloaders! ;)

Another thing that's bugging me right now is this ludicrous idea that the new blackpowder substitute FFF powders like Shockey's Gold and Triple-7 are "the best all around powders." You just buy one powder and use it for everything. A friend of mine just went to the "best" gunstore in our area and had them set him all up with a new 50cal Knight inline. They sent him on his way with 4lb of Shockeys FFF, 405gr lead Power Belts and musket primers and the instructions as follows:

"Start at 90gr. Go up in 5gr increments. The groups will tighten up, the get big, then tighten up again at about 110gr..... this is your load."

I called the store.
I called American Pioneer Powder.
I called three muzzle loader "experts".......

And they all said "Triple F will work just fine."

Dude's getting SLAPPED! His priming caps are splitting like tin cans with an M-80 inside and the gun shoots about 10 inch @100yds.

What can I say? And this guy is bright. He TRIED to cover his bases. Problem is, he bought the gun for a hunt the next day..... He's never worked with black powder stuff before so he drove 50mi to the best gunstore around. He picked it up from the store, asked all the right questions of the sales people and them brought it right over to my range to sight in and get it ready. By the time we had it on target it was dark and his hunt was next morning. He figured he'd just take 50yd shots and learn more later. Hopefully he'll come back later and try some FF and do a real load workup.

And I've watched as the same local gun stores happily peddled 7MM Weatherby Mag to Remington Magnum owners....."We're all out of 7MM Rem Mag but we've got lots of Weatherby ammo, It's more expensive but you know...The Weatherby Premium..."

And GAP ammo for 1911's...... Had a guy the other day ask me why his new .45 was misfiring........ I called the store and their "apology" was, "BRING THE AMMO AND THE GUN IN RIGHT AWAY AND WE'LL SEND IT BACK TO THE FACTORY TO BE TESTED!!!" Ohhh, and "turnaround on these is about 8-10wks."

We try every day but sometimes it feels like Ron White is right, "Ya' can't fix STUPID."

There's stupid, and there's ignorant. Ignorant can be fixed with education, if the person lives long enough. Stupid is as stupid does, and I've dealt with enough "well educated" folks to know some folks just won't learn, no matter how much education they recieve.
There's stupid, and there's ignorant. Ignorant can be fixed with education, if the person lives long enough. Stupid is as stupid does, and I've dealt with enough "well educated" folks to know some folks just won't learn, no matter how much education they recieve.

Funny you should bring that up :)

On opening day of HE class we ask the kids some open questions..... one of them is, "What's the difference between ignorant and stupid?" And we agree with you, we answer that "Ignorance can be cured", and furthermore that we're ALL IGNORANT!!! (I don't know much about the makeup of human DNA for instance, I'm IGNORANT on the subject) We're ALL learning day to day, let's keep an open mind and LEARN how to properly handle firearms.

"BUT" we tell them, "to graduate this class you must prove to us that you're NOT STUPID!"

I'll tell ya' what, it's a big bite to take going head to head with young kids who haven't been dumbed yet......

Ignorant... or stupid

I'm inclined to think some folks exhibit signs of both, but perhaps that just reinforces the "stupid" portion of the the equation.

for example... Timmy was quite ignorant of any reloading knowledge, but heard that he could reload ammuntion for his 45 ACP "a lot" cheaper than buying "store bought stuff". Didn't bother asking or reading anything, just went to the store for the necessary components.

the conversation after the incident that destroyed a very nice old service pistol went something like this...

Q: "what kind of powder were you using?". A: "dunno, think it was Bullseye or something like that."

Q: "How much did you use?" A: "I dunno, I just put some in the case."

Q: "what weight bullet were you... awh nevermind." "Please don't reload any more ammuntion!"

Re-reading the first post - Dad actually saw someone shooting Winchester 300 mag in a nice old Weatherby 300 mag... I imagine he'll comment if he reads that post.

There's no way to idiot-proof the shooting sports 'cause they just keep making smarter idiots...
If you really know what you are doing, you know that it is perfectly ok to shoot 300 win mag in 300 weatherby mag chambers. Nothing idiotic about it. There are any number of circumstances where this would be a reasonable course of action. Hardly analogous to trying to shoot 12 ga in a 20 ga or 3" in 2-3/4" chamber.
Sorry, but

Nothing idiotic about it. There are any number of circumstances where this would be a reasonable course of action.

I can't think of a single reasonalbe circumstances?

The only reason I can think of is leaving your ammo at home and only being able to find the Win ammo. The only reasonalbe course for me would be to end the hunt early.

Not going to take a chance on a bad shot because I left the ammo at home.


There are some situations where you just don't get to call the hunt off early. On most Alaskan hunts you're flown out, or otherwise go to alot of trouble and expense to get to where you are hunting. If you've spent $1-3k just to get where you are hunting, and you realize that you don't have any 300 wetherby ammo and your buddy is packing a 300 win mag and has a box of ammo you can use, you'll likely sight in your rifle with his ammo and go hunting.

Then again, given the trouble and expense of the hunt it's a darned good idea to make sure you've taken your ammo!

I was on a deer hunt on a remote island where we were dropped off for a week. One of the guys forgot the ammo for his .243, so he borrowed another guys 338 and ammo. Somehow he managed to remember his beer :confused: Needless to say he's crossed off my list of hunting partners, anyone who puts more importance to beer than bullets just isn't someone to go hunting with. :mad:
Trying not to be argumenative....

The second solution to borrow a gun would be the only thing I would consider. Taking a chance on wounding an animal by shooting questionable ammo is not viable solution. JMHO

Will it hurt the gun, no! Not much different than fireforming a wildcat, especially if it is in a Weatherby with the freebore.

I set a guy with with a new rifle a number of years ago. He insisted on a BAR in 7mag for a sheep hunt in Alaska. He had to have the BAR for the fast followup shot. Went thru hell at the time to get a couple extra mags.

Left them sitting his kitchen table. Hunted sheep with a single shot autoloader, lol

Regarding drinking and hunting, we are in complete agreement.

1st rule for me on ANY hunt is no drinking, period. Had a friend killed by a drunk hunter in Utah snap shooting a noise. If you want to drink stay home. Trust me, I love my beer.

Seen This a Lot

When our home range used to be the old Lake Houston Gun Club, we used to see this quite often. I honestly believe shooters didn't know the difference. Go buy a "300 Magnum", stop at Academy and get some ammo, it is one case where pure ignorance really doesn't harm anyone. Heck, Weatherbys have a ton of free bore anyway, whats another 1/4 inch. Not much difference than fireforming a factory round in a Ackley Improved Chamber.:D

I fail to see a safety concern, both headspace off of the belt.

Stranger things have happenned........jackie
Randy, point is: there are no ill effects. Lets pass a law against it, you seem to think its a problem. As to reasonable circumstances: Deer camp two years ago a man from a neighboring deer camp came by to see if anybody had any 300 Weatherby mag ammo as he had bought 300 win by mistake. I told him to go ahead and shoot the 300 win. He did and it worked fine. Another example, I bought a 300 Weatherby Vanguard on clearance at Walmart for $200. Ammo was $40 a box. I checked the case specs in a loading manual and determined that the 300 win neck reached the 300 Weatherby neck and since it headspaced on the belt, and I had a couple hundred rounds of 300 win ammo I shot nothing but 300 win in it as long as I had it. It shot near MOA. (this was before the guy in the neighboring deer camp event). There was a time when, as many cartridges were becoming obsolete, it was common knowledge as to which remaining available cartridges would serve double duty, especially with the rimmed versions. We used to make 7.7 jap using 303 dies and 30-06 brass, etc. etc. etc.
We had a guy shooting a heavy barrel bolt gun in a long range practical rifle match. He had borrowed the gun for the match, shot a few groups to verify 100 yd zero and groups, and looked good to go. He wasn't a reloader so just left the brass where it landed. Halfway through the match someone picked up some of his brass. It looked just like the preceding. It still said .300 Win Mag on the barrel but had been punched to .300 Wby. He quit the match but had shot great to that point. Who'ld a thunk it.
Deee C.
If you really know what you are doing, you know that it is perfectly ok to shoot 300 win mag in 300 weatherby mag chambers. Nothing idiotic about it. There are any number of circumstances where this would be a reasonable course of action. Hardly analogous to trying to shoot 12 ga in a 20 ga or 3" in 2-3/4" chamber.

well I looked this case over quite well and besides the obvious, the base of the case was flatten out from the case being slammed against the bolt face. I can hardly think of any circumstances were this would be a reasonable course of action!
The specs rearward on both cartridges are the same, as are they all on 300 H&H family of cartridges. Therefore anything happenning in back is a function of the individual rifle.