What I'm looking forward to:


Paul Fielder


Ran across this South TX hunting vid and got me going...warning, has kill shots so peta members need not click the link:)

I'm hoping this is my year to get to ride in chopper for the yearly survey!!

Soo ready for November & some cooler weather....at least dove \ whitewing is in 2-3 weeks.



PETA won't like that! Not too many clean kills! I think more of those guys need to take up benchrest shooting. I'm completely against all the PETA silliness and I've killed deer and coyote, but I hate to see animals suffer. Kill them cleanly!
You are welcome...

Glenn & taxman...it is obvious some are ignorant on how animals die when ethically hit in the boiler room. Some drop, some run.

The only part I did not quite get is where the guy was standing up shooting over the fence. Obviously, he was going after culls as you can see a nice wide deer running in front of the 1st shot. I don't know if he missed the 1st time or was going after #2. The vid man didn't cover it very well....other than this one hunt, all I see are good clean kills.

I LOVE the part of the bucks fighting....that one should have tapped out sooner:)

It certainly has me pumped. I wish it was not so hot in Oct. or I would pull the bow out more, plus the doves are usually still going full speed.


Your right on. I've shot quite a few deer over the years. Only 2 of them dropped on the spot. One of these was deliberately shot in the spine the other must have hit the spine. Very few deer will in fact drop on the spot from a double lung shot. And it don't make a dime of difference to what caliber your using including a magnum. I almost always aim for the boiler room on deer which is the center of the lung area. I have shot a buck at close range and deliberately shot his heart out. It ran in a big circle for about 20 seconds or so. I remember one deer a small 8pt that I double lunged with a 270 Win 150gr Nosler partition load. It ran to the top of the small ridge and stopped. It stood there for I honestly can't tell you how long. I was going to shoot him again, but could see the blood from the other side where the bullet came out. I just wanted to see what this deer was going to do. It took that buck I would bet 3-4 minutes to finally go to the ground. Had that deer ran and not stopped, he could have ran a long ways I do believe. But that was a fluke. I never ever seen that before or again. I have heard stories about a guy that shot a bucks heart out, and it ran for 1000yds. I believe that was what he told me. I would have liked to seen that, but he probably was full of it. Some guys can't measure distance very well. :D

If I had to say for a time and a distance that most deer will run from a boiler room shot, it would be 15-30 seconds and about 40-70 yards.
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We hunt a 7k acre ranch that is manged. We normally have to shoot between 50-70 does a year to keep their #'s in check depending on the fly over & what the biologist tells us. I also help another friend who has a really nice operation & has to whack lots of does on his ranch as well.

No deer seems to die the same when hit in the boiler. Even when you field dress them, the carnage is the same. It is strange to say the least. I can tell you, that you want them to drop on our place. It is so thick, tracking and dragging them out is a nightmare & you usually look like a panther got to you when you get back to a sendero.

A lot of my does go the way of the very last kill on that vid with a swift.

Here is a 16 I got last year. He did not score very well (152) but was REALLY old. Won't know for sure until the tooth disect gets back but guessing 8 or 9.


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The idiot who shot the leg off the buck needs a vertical buttstroke from an '03 IMHO. I've shot deer and other animals, and figure it's my ethical obligation to kill them quickly. Shooting them around the edges isn't sportsmanlike or ethical IMHO.

I'm not a PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) or SPCA member, but IMHO wounding animals and saying someone doesn't understand how animals act when they're hit is baloney. Yes they can run off even with a fatal wound, but they don't jump around shot in the foot or leg like that buck did.
ethical hunting

The idiot who shot the leg off the buck needs a vertical buttstroke from an '03 IMHO. I've shot deer and other animals, and figure it's my ethical obligation to kill them quickly. Shooting them around the edges isn't sportsmanlike or ethical IMHO.

I'm not a PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) or SPCA member, but IMHO wounding animals and saying someone doesn't understand how animals act when they're hit is baloney. Yes they can run off even with a fatal wound, but they don't jump around shot in the foot or leg like that buck did.

It is morons like that who hurt us all.
I couldn't tell on that one Larry...

....as a deer can run on three legs easily. I thought both front shoulders were out as he was plowing the road & never did get running again. Can't see the follow up shot either. Not sure what you mean...around the edges??

I have to deal w/ lost deer every year...the ones I hate are in the gut & I always get that call to come help 'look'. That has to be the worst for them & our terrain does not allow for lengthy tracking.

I always ask guys who are newbies or who I don't know to take a couple shots at the range. Many of these are avoided before hand...I get this at least once a year. "I swear my gun was sighted in." THAT is frustrating.

Of course we all know there are no guarantees what will happen when we shoot at a deer. My only point is that a hunter should make every effort to kill a deer cleanly and minimize the suffering. I believe it affects the meat of the deer when killed poorly. My limited deer hunting with a 7mm Mag. dropped them right in place from a heart shot. I've seen a lot of videos of deer killed by bow hunters and I just don't think I could do that. I've never seen one killed cleanly, but maybe that's my lack of knowledge of bow hunting I openly admit.
Paul, that was a nice buck.

Here is a buck that a guy about 40 miles south of me killed in Illinois in Alexander county which is about 25 miles approximately from me by a crow fly. His son is holding the rack here. I think the rack weighed around 12lbs. This thing is huge and scored 250 4/8". This buck was killed by a bow and arrow in 2001 I believe. The 1st picture is his son holding the rack.


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All bow hits....

Of course we all know there are no guarantees what will happen when we shoot at a deer. My only point is that a hunter should make every effort to kill a deer cleanly and minimize the suffering. I believe it affects the meat of the deer when killed poorly. My limited deer hunting with a 7mm Mag. dropped them right in place from a heart shot. I've seen a lot of videos of deer killed by bow hunters and I just don't think I could do that. I've never seen one killed cleanly, but maybe that's my lack of knowledge of bow hunting I openly admit.

...result in a run unless hit in the spine. The drops you see from high power rifles are due to the hydro-shock. I cannot explain why some drop and others run when hit it in the same spot??

Bow shots are strictly due to bleeding to death when hit in the boiler & you will not see a drop and/or killed cleanly(instant death) like you do with a rifle. Bow hunting is a rush that cannot be explained unless experienced. It certainly is not for everyone and requires more practice, patience and discipline than w/ a gun. I plan to take at least one or two this year with mine. Peta will not agree but a very efficient and ethical way to take animals.

There is rule in my house...any time a peta article comes out in the paper, I'm doing a bbq that night!!

Taxman...I sent the vid to a couple of guys to get some feedback. I'm like you in regards to the shoulder being blown out but want to satisfy my own curiosity. You can see the dust come off his body from the impact. I have seen a dip-wad shoot the leg clean off a doe at the knee before w/ a varmint gun going for the head. It ran away like it wasn't even hurt and hardly any blood?? I always wondered if it made it.

I don't like head shots when they are down & feeding. I prefer to have them looking at something intensly.

That deer is insane Brad...

Paul, that was a nice buck.

Here is a buck that a guy about 40 miles south of me killed in Illinois in Alexander county which is about 25 miles approximately from me by a crow fly. His son is holding the rack here. I think the rack weighed around 12lbs. This thing is huge and scored 250 4/8". This buck was killed by a bow and arrow in 2001 I believe. The 1st picture is his son holding the rack.

Here is my best to date. Another 16 but shot in 1999 & 175....he will be tough to beat.

The deer up that way are so much bigger. A really big doe is 100lbs & a big Buck is 200lbs (field dressed). The one in the pic was barely 125lbs!!



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That's a great buck.

We don't really have very many big rack bucks here where I live, but if you cross the Mississippi river, your in the mega big rack buck territory. A guy I used to work with showed me all the big sheds that he found in southeastern IL. Some of them were huge.

As far as one of the biggest deer killed here, I'll show you one that was killed about 8 miles from my house according to my GPS.

This buck was killed I believe in 2000 and grossed scored 202 and netted 180 typical. That's one of the biggest typical bucks in this area. That is rare in this area.


Here's the link.

If you click the Andrew French buck at the top, you can read about the first buck I posted.


A 200 class deer would just set me on fire. It takes so much for them grow that class, everything has to be just right.

Unfortunatly, we did not get the rain from Feb-May like we needed and we are just getting going on our protein program. I'm not holding my breath but you never know what will show up.

I would really like to get a monster 8 pointer this year that would score 150+. I just have thing for big 8's & there have been some seen from the survey but they are just smarter than we are. Our biologist will tell us about 6-8 impressive deer worth noting every year after the fly over & in the 'general' area seen and we only end up catching a glance (we think) of one or two. South TX brush is different that the rest of the country....especially on our place.

I shoot more quail in the head w/ my Anschutz than I do with my 12ga. The dogs cannot even get through the prickers if they do not die on the road. It is really something to behold. How those animal run through those thickets is amazing.

Interesting stuff Paul.

Big 8's are hard to come buy.

If I can, I'll find a picture of a 8pt buck that was killed believe it or not about 20 miles north of me by a young guy named Darin Seabaugh from Friedhiem, MO killed back around 2000. His name is mentioned below in the link. The deer he killed was and still is the biggest 8pt typical buck killed in MO. This buck had I believe 6" bases and 40"+ of circumference measurements. It is bigger than the deer in the picture which was also a big 8pt typical killed in MO.

http://www.missourishowmebigbucksclub.org/photos/PHOTOS FROM THE 2002 DEER CLASSIC p21.pdf
Paul, that was a nice buck.

Here is a buck that a guy about 40 miles south of me killed in Illinois in Alexander county which is about 25 miles approximately from me by a crow fly. His son is holding the rack here. I think the rack weighed around 12lbs. This thing is huge and scored 250 4/8". This buck was killed by a bow and arrow in 2001 I believe. The 1st picture is his son holding the rack.



Alexander County? I'm from near Cape Girardeau!
The music

Good bit of Aussie AC/DC
That coyote was an idiot :D
blunt shooter...

Good bit of Aussie AC/DC
That coyote was an idiot :D

..ac/dc was one of my favorites growing up & still is.

It could be the last day of deer season on a perfect morning in a spot where I've been hunting a monster buck. If a coyote walks out, the area will be filled with a boom.

I never pass them up:)

Yea, Paul ,how could you pass them up when they are obviously just asking for it. That idiot was looking for the next shot. The look on his furry face :confused:cracked me up. :D Iv'e shot foxe's who have done that, but never a dingo, it's dead or turbo boost.
Hope you fill your'e freezer with those grey horny lookin things .:)

ACA/ DACA only the best.