what Cal



What cal would i what to build to shoot a 1000 yard for hunting elk and mule deer . i got a mauser action .

If you wanna shoot at something at 1K and use a Mauser action, make sure it's a paper only.

Shoot well
Bad Sportsmanship???????

Since when? Says who? Only the uninformed about long range hunting would make this statement.

If your planning on Deer hunting only any of the more common 30 caliber magnums will get the job done.
When you include the Elk you really need a cartridge capable of alot of remaining velocity so it can push a heavy bullet fast enough to produce some decent energy at 1000 yards.
Very easy to do with a modern action a custom or SOME Mausers.When you use the wrong Mauser action your brass will never quit growing and you'll wonder why.The Mauser actions were made by a wide variety of means and the action may stretch under the loads used in some of todays big thumpers.
I actually use a Mauser action in a Mcmillan 50HBR stock as a testing platform for some of my experiments.It sits in a 6 inch barrel block and has a Kepplinger trigger set very light in it.Accuracy is also very good.
Which Mauser action?

Shooting at live big game at 1000 yards sounds impressive but is bad sportsmanship.

its only poor sportsmanship if you go unprepaired and don't know your limits.you should also know your equipments limits.guys that shoot game at long range put in alot of trigger time.not the wimpy types that only shoot when its nice out.they shoot in the wind ,the rain,the snow and the heat.just to know were there going to hit.an experenced shooter can dail it and hit it ....I took a guy to williamsport 2years ago that never shot 1k before.I let him shoot my gun.I dailed the clicks on from 100yrd zero to a 1000 then look at the flags and put the wind on.after that I told him to put it on the clay bird on the bank and breath and squezz.about a second and a 1/2 latter the bird exploded.this was a cold bore shot from a fouled barrel.probly would have been a head shot on a woodchuck:D:eek::eek:for long range hunting I would probly go with a 300wsm with 210's and lots of practice.you can get that practice at williamsport and meet alot of good longrange hunters there.good luck.

Which Mauser action?

Shooting at live big game at 1000 yards sounds impressive but is bad sportsmanship.

I like your statement ,,,"I dialed the clicks on from 100yar. zero to a 1000 than look at the flags and put the wind on".,,,,,,,,,, Sounds very impressive, but I'm not the only one who never saw a single wind flag in the hunting fields or forests.
I'm not the best shot by any stretch of an imagination, but I can shoot standing off hand from my ZKK- 602 375 H&H firing 300SPBT/2630fps. full mag. 5+ 1 in the chamber into 100mm circle at 100metres. With 5 crashed noses it is. If I shoot at an animal at 1/2 of that distance I rest the gun if I can. I shoot to the head. I've had used that rifle for all my hunting/farm pest culling for some 20 years on everything. I call the quits at 250metres. If I can't guarantee 99'99% clean kill I won't take the shot.
If I want to see how far and how small I can hit I shoot at a paper. If I need to shoot to kill I kill everytime, because I don't stretch the limits. I can't ever remember to take a second shot to finnish an animal. Only a brainless imbecile would hone his/hers shooting skills on a living target at or up to 1K and claiming how clever and smart he/she is. Only thing they have to remember is to look at the wind flags flapping through the forest. Jerry is 100% right by saying it's a bad sportsmanship.

Shoot well
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I'm not going to say "wrong forum".... Been said

I am probably the least informed on this form about the Mauser action, so I won't go there. From what I KNOW, rem 700 for regular mag cases,....BAT, LAWTON,...something custom, for anything bigger than a .532" case(IMO).

As far as it being ethical to hammer those furry horned beasts, I am on PETA'S top 10 hit list.....TERMINATE ON SIGHT.....;)...so I won't go there, either :D:D

As far as to what caliber for LR deer sized game....300 win, 300 wby, 300 ultra, 300 Dakota,(do you see a pattern here). Something that will shoot something like a Berger 210 vld at 2900 + out of a fast twist (1-10), LONG BBL (27"+) That means custom. Have a reputable smith build it. No corners cut.

As far as elk. Again, no experience, but if you are talking 1000 yards, you will need some serious horsepower. BIG...REALY BIG .338....338 LAPUA WOULD BE ON THE REALLY SMALL SIDE. Again, big, long bullet going kinda fast:rolleyes:

Oh yah......really good range finder(that usually means expensive), Really good variable scope with fairly high (for hunting) power on the top end and windage and elevation dials that are repeatable. (this too, usually means expensive). Good spotting scope helps. I would recommend a Mc Millan A-5 stock. Shooting the proper loads usually dictates hand loading. You are going to need to load allot, because you are going to practice allot, right, because you want to be ethical, right!! Not at just one yardage off the bench, mind you, but at odd distances like 952, 891,1029, ect...from non standard shooting positions. A misjudgment of a few yards is either a miss, or worse, a wounded animal. Also, a good portable weather station, like a Kestrel 3500. It will never take the place of wind flags, but on the other hand, wind flags don't tell you the temp, humidity, barometric PSI, and every thing else that WILL come in to play at extended ranges. I would bring it all together with a pocket PC with a good ballistic program like the one from night force. You can input all of the known ballistic info like sight height, bullet speed ahead of time...you do have a good chronograph, right.........and you can enter the field data at the time of the shot.

Now.....if you fallow the advice I just gave you, you WILL spend many thousands of dollars......seems kinda weird that you would use an old Mauser for this project;);) Build a custom with top notch equipment by a GREAT smith. Big game animals deserve it!!

If you are shooting at paper and shoot 30" inch groups, it will be good for a good laugh between you and your friends.........If you wound an elk, especially if you do this half ass, you won't find anyone laughing:mad::mad: !!!

........ Well said !!!! Great read!!!

PS... If selling Ford's ever goes south on you, you should write for magazines and hunting books!!!!

Happy Shooting
Donovan Moran

As you can see many posters don't shoot longrange at animals.
I do and here is the best way for us in our location.When I am shooting my father is spotting for me.If the deer is closer than a 1000 yards anything 7mm and up will spook them unless you go high over them.Past 1000 yards you need the knock down power so it doesn't matter on the size it must be big.
You need a laser rangefinder only so you can do a quick change of your elevation.When you spot a buck at say 987 yards you hold left or right of him and shoot at a rock or bush until you are zeroed in.This makes sure your elevation and windage is good then you crank in a second round and fire.Do not rush the shot.If you got things right on the rock or bush you will most likely hit the deer.
Out here we have pretty wide open terrain and once hit a deer only goes downhill.If the deer goes uphill a good distance you missed but that is what your spotter is for.
In the right company it is a blast.This a paper punching forum so not too many hunters here.
Lynn your advice is an absolute cracker

As you can see many posters don't shoot longrange at animals.
I do and here is the best way for us in our location.When I am shooting my father is spotting for me.If the deer is closer than a 1000 yards anything 7mm and up will spook them unless you go high over them.Past 1000 yards you need the knock down power so it doesn't matter on the size it must be big.
You need a laser rangefinder only so you can do a quick change of your elevation.When you spot a buck at say 987 yards you hold left or right of him and shoot at a rock or bush until you are zeroed in.This makes sure your elevation and windage is good then you crank in a second round and fire.Do not rush the shot.If you got things right on the rock or bush you will most likely hit the deer.
Out here we have pretty wide open terrain and once hit a deer only goes downhill.If the deer goes uphill a good distance you missed but that is what your spotter is for.
In the right company it is a blast.This a paper punching forum so not too many hunters here.

It tops my list, anytime. I've had never seen a deer to be so kind to wait for me to sight my rifle in by shooting around him, so I can humanly shoot him as soon as I zero my rifle in as a reward. Maybe where you shoot there are some imbeciles among the deer too. To me the "most likely hit the deer" is not appealing at all. I don't hope for "most likely hitting the deer". I'll pull the trigger only if 99.99% knowing it will kill the deer.
Sometimes is far better to be thought to be an imbecile and keep the mouth shut, than to open it and have it confirmed it.

Shoot well
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"I've had never seen a deer to be so kind to wait for me to sight my rifle in by shooting around him"

Peter have somebody explain to you what the words to the left or to the right mean.Also don't talk so much or turn down your radio while your hunting and the deer won't run away from you at 1000 yards.

I can humanly shoot him as soon as I zero my rifle in as a reward.
Peter you should zero your rifle in before you go hunting for 50 yards anything further would be to far for you.

"Maybe where you shoot there are some imbeciles among the deer too."
Peter yes you too can buy a license were I live but don't be so hard on yourself.

I'll pull the trigger only if 99.99% knowing it will kill the deer.
Peter now that is indeed good news! I am glad you only pull the trigger once or twice every 20-30 years.

"Sometimes is far better to be thought to be an imbecile and keep the mouth shut, than to open it and have it confirmed it."
Peter sometimes it is much better to take your own advice.
Lynn your advice is an absolute cracker

It's good to see, that you'r still full of spirit. I would feel much happier by pulling the trigger once every 20 years and kill everytime, than to pull the trigger all the time hoping for the "hit or miss" bull.
In Australia professional roo shooters must shoot to the head only. If caught othervise they'll loose their shooting licence. In Germany they have a legal minimum energy limit at the striking distance to kill as humanly as possible. It's the minority of imbeciles like the one who is looking back at you everytime you look into the mirror who do give hunters Worldwide bad publicity by deliberetely extending the reasonable shooting distance and creating the numbers of injured animals caught by the Greenies/Animal groups and giving them the grounds to B**** on about.
If you wanna se how far you can shoot and kill, put the arm up and join the army and go to the War. Even a wounded enemy is a velcome success. Your shooting skills will be highly appreciated and rewarded. If lucky you may even return home and be velcome as a "Big War Hero". Just make sure that your chest is big enough to pin on the medal.

Shoot well
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Hunting @ 1000 - Bad Sportsmanship?

Can your cold bore shot hit a 4 -5" target @ 1000 yrds with no wind flags?

Do you consider a non mortal wounding of an animal in a situation where you will have to hike maybe miles to track down the wounded animal - bad sportsmanship? Or would you just blow it off when you couldn't immediately find the carcas? Do you really want to pack elk meat out maybe miles away from your vehicle?

If your honest answer is yes to most of these questions then you would meet my definintion of sportsmanship, but not necessarily rational.

I personally don't think killing a herbavoir under some trumped up personal challenge criteriea, much of an achievement.

Can your cold bore shot hit a 4 -5" target @ 1000 yrds with no wind flags?

While at the local range I see very few hunter sighting in there deer rifles that hit the backstop at 100 yards on there first shot.

Do you consider a non mortal wounding of an animal in a situation where you will have to hike maybe miles to track down the wounded animal - bad sportsmanship?

Any time we shoot at an animal we hike the distance and look for the animal without hesitation.Can you tell me how many beer chuggers shooting out of tere pick-uptruck windows would do the same?

Or would you just blow it off when you couldn't immediately find the carcas?

Again read the above and we use dogs to track all of our animals.If you would have read my original post instead of becoming wrapped up in the emotional drama you would have noted I said in our location.Our location is a huge bowl with a rather large creek at its bottom.Nothing hit goes anywhere but down do to the terrain.

Do you really want to pack elk meat out maybe miles away from your vehicle?

Again if you would have read my post you would see I responded to the deer part of the original question.When I hunt elk we use horses.When we hunt deer I pack out everybodies deer as my father is 73 years old.To answr your question honestly I don't like packing anything out.I also don't like fleas,ticks and poison oak.None of that has ever stopped me however.
I hunt in a oak tree covered environment that is more or less wide open.

If your honest answer is yes to most of these questions then you would meet my definintion of sportsmanship, but not necessarily rational.

Well I guess I'm an unrational sportsman then.Can you tell me what you think of golfers,downhill skiers,dragboat racers,nascar drivers,sky divers,religous people,non-religous people,brocoli eaters and people who bring dogs into stores?

I personally don't think killing a herbavoir under some trumped up personal challenge criteriea, much of an achievement.

Well just like belly buttons everybody has an opinion.My archery friends don't think shootinhg a paper target at 1000 yards with a 65 pound rifle is much of an achievement either.A man has definitely got to know his limitations and if 100 yards is yours Wilbur has a centerfire forum one click away.
OOPS....I forgot about the spotter. Another thing I forgot is a "cosign" indicator on your scope for the uphill-downhill corrections.

LYNN If you need to shoot spotter rounds at rocks and stuff, you either need a new range finder, a new scope with reliable elevation and windage dials, or both. Trust me, if you have a good setup, and dial up for xxx yards, and you and the gun can do their part, you WILL hit your target. END OF SENTENCE!!! I am pretty sure by your previous posts, and the respect that you get form fellow form members , that you can yank the trigger with the best in the world.

So Lynn, PLEASE LEAVE THOSE DEFENSELESS "ROCKS AND STUFF" alone. I am sure that there is a PETA type group out there ready to give there life to protect those cute little rocks. AND THEY WILL FIND YOU!! :D:D


Tod we use a spotter because we shoot across a large canyon.I have 800,1200 Leica's a Wild and a Barr and Stroud.The distance really isn't a problem because we have been hunting there for many many years now and when we get on our benches every distance has its own gun.I was trying to respond to the original poster more or less.
Our biggest enemy is a cross wind.It will push our bullets off course and that means a spooked animal and no second shot.
Roger"The Expiper"Amos is coming out this summer for a match/deer hunt and I'm sure when he sees how we do it he can vouch its alot of work for a very slim chance.
If you go past 1000 yards a guy with a good eye makes all the difference in the world.
Lynn you are exactly right about the wind. It will get you every time if you don't pay attention. Most short range guys can't fathom how far a light breeze will affect a shot at xxxx yds. And the guy who uses "Kentucky wind-age" for elevation. The guy who says " 750 yds.... held about 3" over his back and let fly". Fine...if you are zeroed at 700!!!! I just smile and wish them luck:D . And the spotter....if he is experienced ....he can fallow the bullet to impact. Tell you exactly what happened. We know exactly what to look for , how to set up, and most important, how to communicate between spotter and shooter.

I guess my original post was meant to covey that it is much more than "what caliber". In both money and time. I am just now jumping into the true bench rest thing, but I have been an accuracy FANATIC for twenty years. Those great tasting furry animals deserve it. I guess I just want Pam Anderson to like me!! :rolleyes: ;) :D
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