What action for a hunting rifle


Active member
I know there is no real answer to this question, but I want to see what you all have to say.
If you were going to build a varmint rifle for coyotes or prairie dog-N, What custom action would you buy? I no a rem 700 trued up is dam hard to beat, but for the sake of this conversation lets leave the remington out. Would you choose a stiller? A shilen? A kelbly? Like I say I am just interested in your own individual choices. I am pretty darn sure I will buy a shilen, if I buy anything at all. I really wish that surgeon still made there little SRS action. I really liked that action.
I have owned lots of stiller predator and they are super actions. I want to try something a little different this time, and i think the shilen with the floating bolt head is the ticket. Kelblys little atlas action is worth a thought or two as well I think. What would you choose, and why if you don’t mind sharing. Just for fun here fellas!! Lee
I was thinking that my next hunting rifle build will be for Dall sheep and would look awful nice on an Atlas...............
I'm currently very partial to Stiller's all black TAC actions. The melonited ones bind less than any others I've tried.
I built a switch barrel varmint rig on a Borden Alpine action and couldn't be happier. If you go that route get Jim to install and time the Jewell trigger for you.

I went through this several years ago. What I finally decided was to use an action that I could just screw my BR barrels onto and shoot varmits with. At the time, I only used one type of BR action. I know you use different ones but it's still something to think about. Also, remember, BAT makes a 700 copy but don't get fixiated about having a 700 copy, since you are shooting varmits, do you need a repeater? What type of stock? Remember, Kelblys make a hunter and varmit stock that can be fitted to almost any kind of BR or clone action.

Are you going to be shooting any competitions over the next month? There is a shoots in a couple of weeks at Rachels Glen and WWCCA, then the following week at Holton.

I am heading to Canada next Friday, so that will cost me most of my fun money. We are doing a new barrel for Jim this weekend, and we will want to campaign that barrel very soon. I think there is a ppc shoot in St Louis in October, and I am more than sure we will attend.
I like BAT actions even thought I complain about them from time to time. There is still something very unique about them that keeps me coming back. The only down side to the BAT action is the price. Now that I can fit my own barrels, I don’t need to worry to much about what action or tennon type to go with.
I would like to have a repeater, as this rifle will be used for coyote hunting. I do this to myself every fall, and end up not buying a dam thing. I have my bench rifles just how I like them now, so I think its time to build a nice hunting rifle, something very accurate, and useful. I think it will be a shilen or the kelbly. Lee
I would like to have a repeater, as this rifle will be used for coyote hunting.

I have shot around 60-130+ foxes( we don't have coyotes here) a year for the last 20 years. I can count on one hand the number of times I have needed to work a 3rd round into the chamber in double quick time. Loading a second shot into a single shot action is a relatively simple task. Ensuring the loading port is of sufficent size and is on the same side as the bolt handle of course. I've aways use one of those elasticated bullet holders that fits on the butt of the stock which helps.

How many coyotes do you intend to shoot at. On any one occassion?
I have built two premium hunting rifles...both Kelbly Kodiak actions.....they have the same thread as all Panda/Grizzly/etc actions for bbl interchangeability ,,and you can disassemble it if you like and build a legal Hunter or LV/HV gun that is totally competetive!!! With the cost of actions I would never buy something that can only be used for varmints/hunting etc,,,,get one with a magazine cut out and 20 moa rib and you are ready for anything,,,,Roger
Depends on how i am hunting. If i am set up calling coyotes, its not unusual to see a pair come in and sometimes a thriple. I do see your point thought. Lee
Hi Lee,,,good luck with your rifle...im in rehab and must have surgury on the 10th to remove disc between c3-c4 which is touching spinal cord and causing numness in arms and legs...Im luky to be alive,,,and am looking forewrd to getting bak to normalcy (good lord willing)....I miss shooting and the great people involved....Thank YOU for asking,,,Roger
What's wrong with the old tried and true Mauser? A lot of good milsurp action still out there and they make very nice accurate guns.
And the endless lock time and lack of any sort of usable trigger and the inherent misalignment of the actions. The, icky-picky Whitworth threads, insoluble flex issues and the lack of decent safeties and magazine systems, the (has anyone mentioned this?) complete fugliness of the thangs when all is said and done....... let alone the requirement that one run anemic loads which degrades accuracy, the design of dual barrel shoulders which affects accuracy through temperature swings and the fact that bolt slap will always be a problem ...need I saw more? Do we need to get into scope mounting issues? Shroud fit? Timing? Firing pin support and diameter?

Nope, IMO custom actions are a great value.
And the endless lock time and lack of any sort of usable trigger and the inherent misalignment of the actions. The, icky-picky Whitworth threads, insoluble flex issues and the lack of decent safeties and magazine systems, the (has anyone mentioned this?) complete fugliness of the thangs when all is said and done....... let alone the requirement that one run anemic loads which degrades accuracy, the design of dual barrel shoulders which affects accuracy through temperature swings and the fact that bolt slap will always be a problem ...need I saw more? Do we need to get into scope mounting issues? Shroud fit? Timing? Firing pin support and diameter?

Nope, IMO custom actions are a great value.

Ya know Al, custom huntin rifles don't need to shoot quarter minute groups. Some might call that overkill. Fact is that some of the finest hunting rifles in the world are built on Mausers. Not only that, some of the finest custom actions are DIRECT copies of the 98. I've got my share of the custom actions you refer to, but for a classic hunting rifle, I'll take a Mauser any day...

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Now the Hagn single shot action..........

I can guarantee one thing. Whatever I choose to do will be accurate. Why would anyone want a so so accurate rifle for any reason? Accuracy is always a primary concern for me. Actually I see no reason what so ever that a custom coyote rifle couldn’t have the accuracy potential of a bench gun. If built properly there is no reason for it not to be. At least in my mind, Lee