West Virginia townhall meeting

Mancini… ain't he the ex-governor that supported mountaintop removal, to get at the coal… with little (apparent) concern for the land and people affected ?

Pants on fire !
My Grandson is a WVU Mountaineer football player. He just loves it there. Personally I know nothing of the mining issues in the State and sure offer no opinions. My nephew's Dad is a retired miner and lives in Wheeling.
The guy from Logan is wrong. He said we have US troops in118 countries, the real number is 140 countries. We have over 900 military bases around the world.

It is time we bring those troops home while they still have their arms, legs, and minds intact. Bring them home and put them on the US borders.

The problem here is that the Senator from WV is like the two we have in TN....bought and paid for!!!
"I just hope people have an open mind"

That's what's gotten us into this mess too open a mind, too soft, too accommodating. On some issues...bull to an open mind.
The guy from Logan is wrong. He said we have US troops in118 countries, the real number is 140 countries. We have over 900 military bases around the world.

It is time we bring those troops home while they still have their arms, legs, and minds intact. Bring them home and put them on the US borders.

The problem here is that the Senator from WV is like the two we have in TN....bought and paid for!!!

I've been saying for years that 90% of Americans have no idea about how many troops we have all over the world. Not surprising many military pilots are leaving when their tour is up.

I don't live far from the West Virginia Line in Pennsylvania, and I'm also a retired underground coal miner. Mining isn't the subject here but guns are. This guy (Manchin) shot his way into the Senator's office (campaign ad). He used a gun to his advantage but now wants restrictions, more expense and red tape on the rest of us. Our Senator Pat (Arlen) Toomey is in it with him. Our other Senator (Casey) is worthless. I guess when the going gets tough the tough get going. Gun crime has been down since the 90s. This country has a lot greater problems. The people I know from West Virginia are very disappointed with Manchin and so are we in Pa with him and Toomey.
Hey Dan does my vote count I've been a life time member of the PA 1000 Yard Club for 35 years. They let the Undocumented Democrats vote so why can't I vote and help you guys!

Joe Salt
Heck yeah anytime Joe, you are a Pennsylvania citizen as far as I'm concerned.
The guy from Logan is wrong. He said we have US troops in118 countries, the real number is 140 countries. We have over 900 military bases around the world.

It is time we bring those troops home while they still have their arms, legs, and minds intact. Bring them home and put them on the US borders.

The problem here is that the Senator from WV is like the two we have in TN....bought and paid for!!!

You really don't think the U.S. should maintain bases and forces outside of our own borders?
You really don't think the U.S. should maintain bases and forces outside of our own borders?

Not at the expense of letting our soil be over run by a bunch of desperate people. Where in the US Constitution is it written that the United States of America is the peacekeeper of the world? Peace keeping, my a$$. Every where we have gone in the last 100 years has been to DESTROY another nation. Then use our hard earned resources to rebuild it? I don't see it that way I guess!!!
The guy from Logan is wrong. He said we have US troops in118 countries, the real number is 140 countries. We have over 900 military bases around the world.

It is time we bring those troops home while they still have their arms, legs, and minds intact. Bring them home and put them on the US borders.

The problem here is that the Senator from WV is like the two we have in TN....bought and paid for!!!

Sounds like the two from Montana too, although Baucus voted against the "background check" law because he was up for reelection next time up. Now he says he's retiring, so there's no telling what he'll do next time there's a "gun control" vote.