Well, I Guess COVID-19 Has Finally Got Marilyn and Me

jackie schmidt

New member
Thursday night, my wife started feeling pretty bad. Head ache, nausea, a 102 fever.

The next morning, I felt weak, had a runny nose, just felt bad in general. I also felt a dryness in my chest.

I called to see if we could get tested, and was told that if we show symptoms they will not test us. Just stay at home UNLESS either of us developed and serious life threatening symptoms, such as difficulty breathing.

So far, I have had no fever. But this morning, while eating some Cheerios, I noticed I could not taste anything, or very little. I feel ok until I start moving around, and then feel suddenly weak. Marilyn’s fever has subsided.

Odds are we have COVID-19. I guess when we recover, we will have an antibody test done to see.

In the mean time, We can take it easy, keep hydrated, and see what happens.
Jackie, My two daughters came to see me last Tuesday. One from Dallas and one from Fort Worth. Wen. afternoon I began feeling weak and I went to bed early and woke up late and Thursday I was still feeling weak and then on Friday I had a light fever and felt very weak. My daughters left to go home and told me to get to a doctor. The doctor checked me over from top to bottom. The only thing abnormal was a slight fever of 100º. She gave me some medicine and told me to take it easy. That was no problem. I took a long afternoon nap and had a bowl of soup and sat in my lazy-boy to watch something moving on TV. I fell asleep about 6:30 and woke up at 2:00 am. I went to bed then and woke at about 7:30. I was much better but still feeling weak. Today I feel OK.

The doctor told me that they did not have the test at her office for COVID but where to go to take it. She was not encouraging me to take the test. She said that it was not completely reliable and she explained there was no medicine they could give me if I were positive. She explained that the test required a swab being pushed through my nose down almost to my toes and 35% of the tests that come back positive are really negative. So I don't know what I had but it was not the flu. If it was COVID 19 it was very light.

I hope my daughters don't have what I had. I hope it has passed. Thank God for daughters.

I live in Fort Worth and had the same thing the same days as you. Wednesday I got up around 0800. Around 1200 I got very tired and went to bed. woke up every couple of hours to pee and then back to bed. Had a bowl of soup around 1930 and then back to bed same routine until Thursday morning. Started feeling better late Thursday and felt good on Fri. Slight temp but mostly just incredibly tired. Verrry interesting?
Tough thing to have happen after your dental trauma. I thought that anyone who wanted a test could get one; that's what the tester in chief said.
Tough thing to have happen after your dental trauma. I thought that anyone who wanted a test could get one; that's what the tester in chief said.

I could have been tested but, after consulting with my doctor, I saw nothing to gain and I was looking for my Lazy-Boy.
I could have been tested but, after consulting with my doctor, I saw nothing to gain and I was looking for my Lazy-Boy.

At least you would know if you had it or not. Should you get worse you won't have to waste precious days waiting for them to confirm it.
possible covid

I do pray for a quick and complete recovery from this for both you and your wife. I will also take this opprotunity to thank you for all that you share on this site and the manner in which you do it. Thanks, Red Smith
Gentlemen, please receive my best wishes for a quick and complete recovery.

In the meantime, protect the people around you (distance, mask and so on ...), and take good care, feeding/drinking and rest yourself.

In Germany, France, Portugal, the virus strikes again most probably because people are taking less cares since the lock out was suppressed. Germany just "relock" an area with 600.000 people. In France, we had the "Music Celebration" all across the country with people meeting and taking no care. We are anxious about next weeks Cov+ count.


The loss of tasting is considered 100% cov. You should have lost smelling also.


80%+ of people COV+ below 40-45 of age are fully asymptomatic. One of your daughter might be cov+ and asymptomatic and contaminate your other daughter and yourself while visiting you. I suppose you already informed both your daughters so they can act accordingly to limit virus spreading.

We also have "cotton swab" test reliability issue here, with many false positive and false negative, despite they push that swab from nose to anus.

It appears that even if nose/mouth/throat/eyes are the entry points for the virus, the virus quickly migrates somewhere else and develops somewhere else (lungs, kidney, eart, intestine ...). Virus target appears to vary from individuals to individuals depending on gene pole and individuals pre-covid health issues (diabete, lungs, blood pressure, kidney, over weight ...).

Here it is considered that this virus is very very smart to find where you are weak and in targeting your weak point(s). That was not seen before from other virus.

With regards to blood test and antibody search, many scientist here are not that sure that having antibody today equal being imune forever.

Having antibody means you fought and hopefully won this time against the virus (or not. We had cases here of people being destroyed by their own imune system going mad because of cov19).

Anyway, having antibody doesn't mean your imune system has reached the "memory/recognition/attack" capability for cov19 next time you get contaminated. There comes the vaccin story, but with 3000+ mutations since the virus left China, the vaccin appears to be a much more complicated deal than, for example, seasonal flu.

Keep well, protect yourself from the others, protect the others from yourself.
Jackie, I hope you and yours gets well soon. I know it is no fun.

I had it and was very sick for 2 weeks and pretty sick for 3 more. Now after another almost 8 more, I am still weak and my doctor said that is normal and it may take a long time to get better assuming it does get better. I now have both of the anit-bodies, but there is no guarantee that they do anything for you. My significant other also tested positive and now negative and has the anti-bodies but she only had mild cold symptoms. At 71 with a PaceMaker, a touch of COPD and a survivor of two types of cancer, I updated my will, but fortunately I am probably fine sitting at a bench.

Your tough, no question

Jackie, I hope you and yours gets well soon. I know it is no fun.

I had it and was very sick for 2 weeks and pretty sick for 3 more. Now after another almost 8 more, I am still weak and my doctor said that is normal and it may take a long time to get better assuming it does get better. I now have both of the anit-bodies, but there is no guarantee that they do anything for you. My significant other also tested positive and now negative and has the anti-bodies but she only had mild cold symptoms. At 71 with a PaceMaker, a touch of COPD and a survivor of two types of cancer, I updated my will, but fortunately I am probably fine sitting at a bench.


Must be made outta pretty good metal I'd say. Wish you a strong recovery.

Jackie, I hope you and yours gets well soon. I know it is no fun.

I had it and was very sick for 2 weeks and pretty sick for 3 more. Now after another almost 8 more, I am still weak and my doctor said that is normal and it may take a long time to get better assuming it does get better. I now have both of the anit-bodies, but there is no guarantee that they do anything for you. My significant other also tested positive and now negative and has the anti-bodies but she only had mild cold symptoms. At 71 with a PaceMaker, a touch of COPD and a survivor of two types of cancer, I updated my will, but fortunately I am probably fine sitting at a bench.


Young feller, check your insurance. I know a couple families fighting it because a lot of them have a pandemic and war clause. They don't pay!
Well after 8 days from being tested, the HCA Clinic finally got our results.

Both positive.

Since Marilyn was sick at least 3 days before we were tested, I suppose we are at least 12 days into this. I never really got very sick. I have felt a little weak, but no fever, no congestion, no worse than a cold. Keep in mind, I had just had all of my teeth pulled and the implants installed with the temporary Teeth.

Marilyn ran a fever for 4 days, but since has just felt weak with occasional upset stomach, which has subsided since Sunday.

That’s how it has been. Next Tuesday we will get an instant test at a facility off Rayford road to see if we are still positive. There we will get results in one hour.

For now, stay at home in quarantine.
Appears Texas is seeing a bit of an upward swing and hopefully it won't last for very long. As the president says the more you test the more you find and hopefully that is all it amounts too and not a new round of the past.
Appears Texas is seeing a bit of an upward swing and hopefully it won't last for very long. As the president says the more you test the more you find and hopefully that is all it amounts too and not a new round of the past.

Check the deaths, that's the real number to watch.
As the president says the more you test the more you find and hopefully that is all it amounts too and not a new round of the past.

The way I read it, the number of tests haven't increased lately, but the number of cases found has more than doubled from 20,000 odd a day to up to 50,000.