Welcome abroad Serena

Welcome aboard Serena

Looks as if we will have a new NBRSA Magazine Editor and her name is Serena Juchnowski. From what is said in the February 2021 issue of the NBRAS Magazine she is well qualified and I am sure she will do a great job for the NBRSA Magazine good. Lets all welcome her aboard.:):)

P.S. Thanks Serena for stepping up as our new Editor.

Also a BIG THANKS to Lee Hachigian all the work he has done as Editor over the past few years.

Thanks to both Lee and Serena, Chet Whitebread
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Chet is Correct

Chet I agree--also
There has been some work by the President, Officers, Board and Management to secure/hire a new editor for the association in such a short time.
Its reassuring to know we have leaders who are "workers".
Thank you Lee for stepping in again!
Serena--We all wish you success !!!!!!!!
--We all want the best "For Our Magazine"
Chet I agree--also
There has been some work by the President, Officers, Board and Management to secure/hire a new editor for the association in such a short time.
Its reassuring to know we have leaders who are "workers".
Thank you Lee for stepping in again!
Serena--We all wish you success !!!!!!!!
--We all want the best "For Our Magazine"
