Webster City, IA

Any news?

Geary Koglin

LV 100 Yd.
1) Keith Christiansen, .21something, 'runs off and hides' . . .:eek::)
2) Dean Walthers, .23something . . .

LV 200 Yd.
1) Terry Meyer . . . memory bank running on empty - can't recall the exact number, but, a "low three" Agg.
2) Keith Christiansen . . .

LV Grand
1) Keith Christiansen
2) Terry Meyer

It was a trifle "windy" with some vexing gusts, but a nice 80 Deg. F, with low humidity! Congratulations to Keith and Terry!:) RG
potential world record

Any news?

Geary Koglin

Biggest news of the weekend is Roy Oines shooting a potential new World Record single HV group...... .047. Best part of it, NOT a 6PPC. Not a 30BR. He shot it with full on HBR cartridge.......a 30x47, his VFS rifle:D
I could be incorrect - someone please correct me if this is wrong: I believe that Dean Walther won the HV 100, Jon Leu won the HV two hundred and HV Grand, while 'Doc' (Cecil) Peterson was the Two Gun Champion!
Congratulations, Dean, Jon and "Doc'! :) RG
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