Tom R
I know many Benchrest shooters use Weaver Scopes.
Weaver has been sold several times.
You must be the original owner.
The repair station is no longer in Thomasville Ga.
I followed the Warrinty card in the scope box.
Sent it to Thomasville Ga,insured,10/25/08.
After several weeks I tried to contact the repair center in Ga.
Well they moved to Onalaska,Wisconsin.
Got the proper phoner number,was told the Ga.P.O.was forwarding the scopes to them.They didn't recieve it.Tried to track the package on line with no sucess.
Contacted local P.O. was told the package is Somewere.
Called the local P.O. today they were to get back to me yesterday.
Was told thet will try to get back to me today,if they get around to it.
Don't know the status of the package or were it is.
Return address on the package
Return address on the paper with the explanation of the problem
Return address attached to the scope
Check in the original scope box for the repair
BEFORE you send a Weaver scope!
Call this number-1-800-635-7656
You may not qualify for the warranty work.
Tom R