Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
This is outside normal benchrest topics. The ATF has sent a letter to the makers of the Honey Badger forearm braced pistol stating that they are reclassifying their product as a short barreled rifle (sbr). This is in opposition to their previous statements that such braced pistols are not sbr's. This firearm is similar to the other multitude of forearm braced pistols already sold. The ATF then sent out a stay of this decision for 60 days. This is probably in anticipation of a Biden administration. We can probably assume that this reclassification would be extended to all forearm braced pistols. If you are in possession of one of these without registering it as a short barreled rifle, paying the $200.00 tax stamp and waiting the 6mo.-1.5 year delay you are automatically a 4th degree felon ($10,000 fine and/or 10 years in federal prison plus never being able to own or use a firearm again). See all of you possessing one of these in jail.
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Another incompetent brain dead federal employee attempting to put a feather in his/her cap.

Wait until the Feds tighten the nous restricting Hodgdon who now bottles most of our canister powders.

Times will be tougher in the future w/o regard who's on Penn Ave.

We will be back to sticks & stones eventually as history does repeat itself.
This is outside normal benchrest topics. The ATF has sent a letter to the makers of the Honey Badger forearm braced pistol stating that they are reclassifying their product as a short barreled rifle (sbr). This is in opposition to their previous statements that such braced pistols are not sbr's. This firearm is similar to the other multitude of forearm braced pistols already sold. The ATF then sent out a stay of this decision for 60 days. This is probably in anticipation of a Biden administration. We can probably assume that this reclassification would be extended to all forearm braced pistols. If you are in possession of one of these without registering it as a short barreled rifle, paying the $200.00 tax stamp and waiting the 6mo.-1.5 year delay you are automatically a 4th degree felon ($10,000 fine and/or 10 years in federal prison plus never being able to own or use a firearm again). See all of you possessing one of these in jail.

Remember: Don't bend over to pick up the soap in the shower.
Till this is sorted out just separate the upper from the lower and you're legal.

That is great advice. You a lawyer....
Or you can get a prosecutor like that couple in St. Louis. He ordered his Ballistic lab personnel to reassemble pistol to function. Then charged the couple with tampering with evidence.....
This is outside normal benchrest topics. The ATF has sent a letter to the makers of the Honey Badger forearm braced pistol stating that they are reclassifying their product as a short barreled rifle (sbr). This is in opposition to their previous statements that such braced pistols are not sbr's. This firearm is similar to the other multitude of forearm braced pistols already sold. The ATF then sent out a stay of this decision for 60 days. This is probably in anticipation of a Biden administration. We can probably assume that this reclassification would be extended to all forearm braced pistols. If you are in possession of one of these without registering it as a short barreled rifle, paying the $200.00 tax stamp and waiting the 6mo.-1.5 year delay you are automatically a 4th degree felon ($10,000 fine and/or 10 years in federal prison plus never being able to own or use a firearm again). See all of you possessing one of these in jail.

Hey Tim, heard about any contracts to build prison camps. They are going to need a lot of them.....Then it will be safer to be in prison, then out of prison.....Remember only criminals have guns....
I have watched the proliferation of AR pistols with interest. Aside from the guaranteed obnoxious muzzle-blast I find them kind of intriguing. However, I couldn't help thinking "isn't this kind of like goading a rhinoceros? How long is the BATFE going to let this go on?" This kind of comes under the heading of "those who ignore history are condemed to repeat it." Shades of 1934.

Just as happy I never went that route. I feel I have a pretty solid argument for owning my rifle-sized AR's but I just don't want to dance that close to the edge with the pistols.
I have watched the proliferation of AR pistols with interest. Aside from the guaranteed obnoxious muzzle-blast I find them kind of intriguing. However, I couldn't help thinking "isn't this kind of like goading a rhinoceros? How long is the BATFE going to let this go on?" This kind of comes under the heading of "those who ignore history are condemed to repeat it." Shades of 1934.

Sorta like the guys who seem to think it's smart to make a pistol in a rifle cartridge chambering. BATFE then has different rules concerning pistol calibers and rifle calibers that apply to the ammo.
And in the end, there is absolutely no production of the "wildcat" configuration, but the new regs still apply to the ammo, because there was one pistol made in that chambering.

I seem to recall an instance of someone making just such a thing, using the 7.62x39 russian cartridge. That caused new regulations to kick in, effecting that cartridge. Made it harder for importation of surplus ammo, and in the end, no one ever offered a pistol in that chambering, that I'm aware of.

But I'm just a grumpy, old, opinionated S.O.B........Roger
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I was a ffl holder for 30 years in Indiana. Closed the business in April this year, sent 30 years of paper work to the tracing center and letter stating CLOSED! What a great feeling!
7.62 x 39

There was a kid that had a 7.62 x 39 pistol and brought it out one day. I think that was the loudest s.o.b. I ever heard. It was loud in my earmuffs. I dont know the barrel length I bet at night it would blind ya. He didnt have it long. Doug
I was a ffl holder for 30 years in Indiana. Closed the business in April this year, sent 30 years of paper work to the tracing center and letter stating CLOSED! What a great feeling!

You only had to send the last 20 years of 4473s, and any bound books.
I was a ffl holder for 30 years in Indiana. Closed the business in April this year, sent 30 years of paper work to the tracing center and letter stating CLOSED! What a great feeling!

Gotta maintain my FFL. It is the only way I can hold on to my CCW here in CA.