We all shoot but do we all hunt?

Who hunt & who just shoots

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We all shoot but how many of us hunt?

I do both. Have done all my life. In preference I'd choose a hunting trip to a trip to a shooting match.

I like shooting matches but I serious like hunting. Any kind of hunting!

I know there are some who shoot but don't hunt. Its a bit like being a vegetarian. I have never managed to figure that one out:D
I grew up bird hunting and a lot of skeet. Until I started accuracy rifle shooting in the middle 90's, probably 95%+ of the centerfire rounds I'd ever fired were shotgun shells. I live in the Florida panhandle now, maybe there's some bird hunting around here but all I see is deer hunting, which has never attracted me.

My favorite hunting is Quail but there's not much of that anymore.
Are You Kidding?

At my age I spend half of my day hunting for stuff I laid down 5 minutes earlier.
I still enjoy going quail hunting when I have time, and usually take a few days during deer season to relax from the hectic schedule leading up to the hunting season. Most people think that a gunsmith would be an avid hunter, but with me, because I work on a little bit of everything, I stay busy(thankfully), trying to have customers' guns ready for them so they can hunt. Deer season opens here in 9 days!:eek:--Mike Ezell
Too much hassle. Hunting is simply too darned much work. It has been years since I have though.

We are so busy at this time, I don't even have time to shoot.
i have never hunted, but have shot since about 9yrs old. no hunters in the family tree, but shooting yes. i have nothing against hunting, i have just never been involved in that sport.
shooting in itself is a sport. i shoot in various competitions with everything from 22's to shotguns. build my own guns, enjoy getting the best from a gun.

i sorta take exception to your line "I know there are some who shoot but don't hunt. Its a bit like being a vegetarian." as it blatenly supports the anti gun crowd,,,,"guns are only for hunting". please rethink your position/feeling.
mike in co
At my age I spend half of my day hunting for stuff I laid down 5 minutes earlier.


At this moment.......... Hunt'n fer that darn action wrench...........!!!!!!! Where's that THING...!!!!!

I don't think Hambone meant it that way but I see your angle. I think it was Jim Zumbo that lost his job by inferring that AR-15 types weren't hunting guns.

I used to hunt but quit when it lost entertainment value. Thirty degrees and less is a lot colder than it was 20 years ago.
TomD;652463 My favorite hunting is Quail but there's not much of that anymore.[/QUOTE said:
Might appear a dumb assed question but why, apart from location what's changed?
Too much hassle. Hunting is simply too darned much work. It has been years since I have though.

We are so busy at this time, I don't even have time to shoot.

I guess I'm more fortunate than most. I just have to step thru the bottom field gate and I can go hunting. So very little hassle for me. Fishing is more of a organisational exercise as I have to travel a ways.
I still go deer and turkey huntin but I used to hunt quail and around here in north Mo. we dont have the quail numbers to justifi a dog. Modern farming practices have eliminated quail habitat. Theres grass waterways and terraces everywhere their used to be brushy draws. Quail dont do well on grass they need brush and grain. They need fencerows and draws something we dont have anymore. Weve got big timbers but not quail habitat.
i have never hunted, but have shot since about 9yrs old. no hunters in the family tree, but shooting yes. i have nothing against hunting, i have just never been involved in that sport.
shooting in itself is a sport. i shoot in various competitions with everything from 22's to shotguns. build my own guns, enjoy getting the best from a gun.

i sorta take exception to your line "I know there are some who shoot but don't hunt. Its a bit like being a vegetarian." as it blatenly supports the anti gun crowd,,,,"guns are only for hunting". please rethink your position/feeling.
mike in co

I best explain my last line as its clear it's come over incorrectly with you. Personally I have no beef(pun intended) with the vegetarian/shoot only set. I appreciate often circumstances and non availability of easily obtained hunting in their formative years can have a influence down the years. But for me its like having the ability to ski to a high level yet only sticking to artificial ski slopes. Yes its skiing but its not randonnée skiing.

I used to hunt but I wanted to hunt with someone that wanted the game, I never did acquire a taste for wild game with the exception of deer and quail.
Then Kansas started allowing out of state deer hunters, all the land owners were going to get rich on leases and guiding so we don't have many local deer hunters anymore.
I used to shoot a lot of prairie dogs then greed set in and most people poisoned the prairie dogs because they "ruined" the pasture for cow grazing.
I bought a pasture so I had my own dog town, someone bitched, now I have to poison them all because they might migrate to the neighbors pasture.
Between the government and self interest groups, hunting is doomed except for the wealthy.
I also shoot target when I get a chance but age and bad health has slowed that down a bunch.
ok but where does vegitarian and non hunting come together....i eat more meat than i should, ski when i can...tho at 62 i'm a beginer.....( feel the need, the need for speed...on the slopes).
and even wilbur noticed the possible conotation of the statement.

mike in co
I started out as an avid hunter and realy thought that was the only purpose for having a gun and you realy only needed to practice the week end b4 the big season. Luckly one winter when i was in my teens my father and i did a heating job for a man who was into all shooting sports and i was introduced to hand loading and varmint rifles. I began hand loading for my old model 99 300savage and shooting wood chucks at further and further ranges. Eventualy i graduated to a model 12 in 220 swift and the shift to targets began. Now as farm land is beeing developed and good hunting land is beeing swallowed up here in vermont i find myself leaning more twards just going to the range and not dealing with the hassles of securing a decent place to hunt. I do say i have rediscoverd one type of hunting from my past this summer that i had completly lost. Now that my boys are old enough to cary a rifle in the woods safely we have started hunting the red squirrel population in the woods behind the house. I had forgotten it can be just as satifying to go out with a good shooting 22 and a pocket full of bullets and enjoy an afternoon popping squirrels. No land leases, no special scents, no hanging stands, no scent controll, just fun times with my boys. Id share a pic of a recent outing but i know about the no dead animal pics policy all i can say it have a pic of two very happy boys with thier first squirrels.
Quail are fast disappearing all over the US. A couple of my friends are avid quail hunters and one of them is a writer. He has a couple good books on quail and hunting dogs. Quail are tough to figure. Man's attempt to fix the habitat and other problems are just not working. Hopefully they will find an answer.
Forgot to say I'm an avid hunter, but the real enjoyment is the experience and out of doors. I love being with friends and family around the campfire. Love the same old BS stories and the camaraderie.
I'm taking a break from packing for this weekend... a co-worker invited me to hunt with his family on deer opener on Saturday so I'll be headed up to "the cabin" near International Falls tomorrow afternoon. I've done some waterfowl and small game hunting earlier this fall and will be deer hunting again in two weekends if this one doesn't pan out. Oh, and I've got a pheasant hunting trip planned in South Dakota. Hopefully more coyote hunting this winter. My Wingmaster is getting a lot of use this fall.

Yes, I love Minnesota and I take advantage of the bountiful hunting opportunities, and da lakes too yah you betcha. I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight though... any trip still gets me excited like it's Christmas Eve. I can't wait to get out in da big woods and hunt with my .270 again.
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I best explain my last line as its clear it's come over incorrectly with you

Mike in co goes out of his way to make sure that it happen's that way so that it causes the most controversy possible....it's what makes him happy apparently