WBSF World Rimfire Championships



Details of the WBSF World Rimfire Championships have now been released on the French Shooting Federations website: http://www.fftir.org/fr/wrc1_informations

Number of shooters per nation:
Team Event: 3 shooters Adults per team - 2 teams maximum (W.B.S.F. rules A.18)
Individual Event : 6 shooters (Adults & Juniors) per nation maximum (W.B.S.F. rules A.15)

The numbers of competitors from each country may be extended to 9 if sufficient range space is available (W.B.S.F. rules A.16)

Names of shooters need to be in by 3rd January 2014

The Eurostand-Lorraine (Volmerange les Mines) is probably one of the best shooting grounds in Europe: http://diapo-stel.eurostand-lorraine.com/eurostand/slides/IMG_9713.html

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RWS Sponsorship

I am happy to advise that RWS are now the official sponsors of the WBSF World Rimfire Benchrest Championships.

24 days left for registration – you gotta be in it to win it.

Looking good so far, I’m sure there will be room for more, but you’ll need to get your skates on:


Brian why isn't America shooting in the comp? I thought that these guys would be all over this.
Does WBSF not operate in America ?
Kind regards Ben
Brian why isn't America shooting in the comp? I thought that these guys would be all over this.
Does WBSF not operate in America ?
Kind regards Ben

The short answer is, not a lot of interest in representing their country overseas with US rimfire shooters. In contrast the top 9 qualifiers in Australia all want to go to France.

Thats a shame Peter but I suppose you can only ask I suppose . I can't understand with all there great shooters why they wouldn't want to represent there country ?
Guys whats the go with this ?
kind regards Ben
Thats a shame Peter but I suppose you can only ask I suppose .

That’s all you can do Ben.

Notice has been a little short for this event but nevertheless it has been doable (taking Australia and South Africa as examples).

This being the 1st World Rimfire Championships for the WBSF I’m please with the entrance so far, which I hope will only increase as it gets to the April deadline. It would however be good to see more countries from outside Europe taking part.

Thanks Brian
I still don't understand how a country as big as the USA can't field a team in the world championship think they would have a pretty awesome team as well. Are the rifle weights etc vastly different from what they are shooting in America ?
Do any of you guys from USA have a comment I am just trying to understand this thats all.
Could it be the cost of about $25000. to go ?, for each person?

I think you have a zero to many there, but $2500 would seem about right. The same cost for the South Africans and a lot more for the Australians.

Rules are pretty much the same other than the rifle weight which is set at 14lbs.

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Thanks again Brian I thought that $25000.00 sounded off the hook expensive. Is the $2500.00 how much it costs for entry fees or what ? Sounds like a very beautiful place to have a competition , I love watching the Tour De France each year on television and definitely would love to see it for real one day.
Thanks again Brian I thought that $25000.00 sounded off the hook expensive. Is the $2500.00 how much it costs for entry fees or what ? Sounds like a very beautiful place to have a competition , I love watching the Tour De France each year on television and definitely would love to see it for real one day.

Hi Ben,

Entry fees for the full four days of competition is 200 Euro (that’s for the individual and team competitions). Not bad really for one of the best benchrest ranges in the World.

I hear it’s a beautiful part of France, so I’m looking forward to going. We have a practice match close by in May with a few other countries in attendance (about 48 shooters in total), so we should all be honed to a fine edge ready for the arrival of the Aussies :cool:

There are probably many reasons why the US has not fielded a team. The US does not have one organization or federation for rimfire benchrest, we have 3 currently viable: IR50/50, ARA, PSL. Which one was going to coordinate and select the team? No one stepped up. We are also not as familiar with WBSF. We are more familiar with WRABF; how many world BR sanctioning bodies and world championships do we need? Isn't there another World Championship in Australia next year? International travel with all our stuff is a hassle. It's a long way to go, and a big expense. We don't need to go through all that to shoot against the best rimfire BR shooters in the world, as we can do that just about any weekend of our shooting season. I think the last WRABF World Championship in Charleston SC in '11 demonstrated that.
Me bad $25000.....Real cost between $2500 and $4000.

Bill hit it on the head........hassle..........and available shoots ARA, PSL, IR50/50 close to home......
Didn't those foreign shooters end up shooting American smithed guns? That's why we don't have to go across the world to shoot. The best rf br shooters in the world are all in the USA.

Those that were offered a chance to shoot a US rifle didn't turn them down. I'm pretty sure that at the '11 WC, all the winners shot US smithed rifles. I think for sure our equipment was the best, but besides that, I think that US shooters are perhaps more battle toughened. We shoot more matches here and against top flight competition at every level, from our local matches to our State, Regional and, of course, our National matches. If we don't bring our A game; our best ammo, continually upgrading our equipment etc., we don't win even a small local match. If many of the international shooters had the access we have to our gunsmiths, to our equipment, and shot as many targets against our level of competition, they would be just as tough to beat. The only level part of our playing field is the access to good ammo.
There is a lot of truth in what you say Bill, rimfire equipment in the USA is seen by many (not all) to be the best in the World. Slowly but surely some of your top equipment is making it’s way further afield (Australia in particular and the UK to a larger extent) and scores are most certainly beginning to rise, consequently the game is getting tougher. A couple of 247’s and a 248 would have won you most of the competitions in Europe three or four years ago, not any longer.

It would still be nice to see two or three of your top guys make it over to France as DJ Hepler, David K and Craig Young did in 2008 (Italy).

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There is a lot of truth in what you say Bill, rimfire equipment in the USA is seen by many (not all) to be the best in the World. Slowly but surely some of your top equipment is making it’s way further afield (Australia in particular and the UK to a larger extent) and scores are most certainly beginning to rise, consequently the game is getting tougher. A couple of 247’s and a 248 would have won you most of the competitions in Europe three or four years ago, not any longer.

It would still be nice to see two or three of your top guys make it over to France as DJ Hepler, David K and Craig Young did in 2008 (Italy).


Who thinks they have better equipment than us (US)? We want names. ;)
Who thinks they have better equipment than us (US)? We want names. ;)

:D Not me Bill, I’m on my third Turbo + one Hall (a great rifle, I don’t care what anyone says).

But these Grunig & Elminger Racers and Bleikers are putting in some good results…….admittedly with US barrels and at a price.

Then there's my good friend Giovanni Atenzi walloping everyone (including a ton of US equipment) at last years World Cup with an Anschutz 1907, now that was something to make you sit back and think.

Who thinks they have better equipment than us (US)? We want names. ;)

Plenty of good gear outside the US these days, Craig sold the Duke, it's now in the UK. I have 2 new Turbo's one with 3 Gorham fitted ratchet barrels that Dan Killough tuned in his tunnel my other Turbo has Muller barrels fit by Eck and I'm just one of many outside the US who has tooled up for international matches.

You'll find shooters from around the world are keen to travel overseas as part of a national team, maybe it's just a case shooters in other countries have more passion to represent their country than US shooters do.
