Wawarsing SOTY 3 Gun and UL Sat. 10/5

Bill B

New member
This Saturday Wawarsing will host it's last match of the year. We will be shooting the 3 gun events starting at 9:00 am. Lunch will be provided. The Unlimited match will either commence at the conclusion of the 13.5 lb class or after lunch, depending on how quickly we are able to proceed. Those intending to shoot only the Unlimited Match should be at the range no later than 11:00 am. Please let me know if you are planning on attending so I can make sure that I have enough food for everyone. Hope to see you there.
I will be coming down from Maine, for the 3 gun and UL.

I'll be there for another helping of Humble Pie. Whoopass is hard to come by these days.:cool:
It sounds as if this is only a one day shoot and if so about what time will it end as I going to take a ride on the motorcycle to Albany to try and protect our 2nd amendment rights and on the way home I may need to stop and bum smoke off of Gordon.

Russell Rains
The shooting will probably be over by 3 pm in the afternoon. However, Gordon is only shooting the 3 gun events in the morning and will be leaving after lunch.
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Thank you Bill

Bill, Thanks for running great matches all year, your work doesn't go unnoted.

Congrats to the SOTY award winners...

Can't wait to shoot with you guys next year...

Thanks Chris, it's my pleasure and all the help I get makes it easy.

The top scores for the match are:

Sporter - Gordon Eck 250-19, Chris Peterson 249-15, Ed Longo 249-15
10.5- Bill Buskey 250-22, Chris Peterson 250-11, Ted Derivan 249-16
13.5 - Bill Buskey 250-20, Ted Derivan 249-16, Paul Vobecky 249-16

3 Gun - Gordon Eck 746-56, Bill Buskey 745-58, Paul Vobecky 744-44

UL1 - Paul Vobecky 250-16, Pete Roberson 249-16, Ted Derivan 249-11
UL2 - Bill Buskey 250-18, Bruce Selneck 250-16 (just his second match), Bob Griffin 249-19
UL3 - Ed Longo 249-18, Bob Griffin 249-17, Ken Alfredo 249-17
UL Agg - Bill Buskey 747-51, Ken Alfredo 745-43, Pete Roberson 745-40


Sporter - Gordon Eck,
10.5 - Ed Longo
13.5 - Bill Buskey
3 Gun - Bill Buskey
Unlimited - Ken Alfredo
None Better!

Was A Great season at Wawarsing! Thanx to Bill and all involved. Too bad its over for this year. Wishing everyone a warm & safe winter. Until spring 2014....Take care, & "If you cant be good....be carfull! " Ed Longo.