Wawarsing Rod and Gun Match Sat. 5/24

Bill B

New member
Wawarsing Rod and Gun IR50/50 Match Sat. 5/24

Wawarsing will hold it's first match of the season on Sat 5/24. Registration begins at 8 am and the sporter match will begin at 9 am. This will be a 3 Gun and UL SOTY match. Lunch will be served. Gordon Eck has graciously volunteered to make lunch (aren't we lucky) which will be served after the 3 Gun Match is concluded. If you are planning on attending, please let me know here so Gordon can make sure he has enough food for everyone. If anyone needs directions, please either let me know in a post here or send me a PM. You can also Google Wawarsing Rod and Gun Club which has directions on our web site. Note: there may be a detour due to work on a bridge. I plan on going to the club tomorrow and will confirm if the detour is still in place and will advise of any delays.

So - - let us know if you are coming. Hope to see all the regulars and we will give a warm welcome any new shooters. No increase in match fees.
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Bill,,, count me in for the unlimited.
I know Gordon builds one fine rifle,,,, how is his cooking?

Greg Shevchuck
I plan on being there Bill. Looking forward to seeing everybody.

Count me in, Bill. Wouldnt miss it for the world!! Ed.
Detour Info

Went to the Club today with Gordon and we got the range ready (thanks for your help Gordon). It was breezy today. Let's hope for gentler winds on Sat. The deal with the detour is that the bridge on Rt55 before the club (coming from Rt 209) is being repaired. If you are coming from the South on Rt. 209 you will need to go past the normal left turn to get on Rt 55 and stay straight on Rt 209 past the Walmart, and take your first left. There is plenty of signage that says Rt 55 Detour. Coming from the North you will see the Rt 55 Detour signs and take the right just before the Walmart.

Follow the detour to Rt 55 (it is well marked). As you end the detour you will make a left on Rt 55, going thru the partial barricade, over the green bridge and making the right onto Sportsman's Road, then look for the Club entrance on the left. It will add maybe 2 min. to the drive. See you on Sat. at Wawarsing Rod and Gun Club, the home range of The World Famous, The Un-Calfee Rifle.
Hi Bill, I am back from Florida. And would like to shoot the match ? Call me at 845-292-3369

Joe T.
Hi Joe, called you and left a message. Hope to see you Sat. I'm expecting 13-14 shooters for this match. It'll be great to see everyone.
Clash of Titans

Bored to death cooking meat balls and taters for Sat.

"Bootlegger Bill" Shooting The "Uncalfee" And "Old Faithful" In the other corner "Merlin" And "Baby Merlin" WHO WILL WIN THE THREE GUN?
The Old Girl Up The Road. She Smokes a Little SMOKE.( Reefer) Bootlegger 8 to 1

Bored to death cooking meat balls and taters for Sat.

"Bootlegger Bill" Shooting The "Uncalfee" And "Old Faithful" In the other corner "Merlin" And "Baby Merlin" WHO WILL WIN THE THREE GUN?
The Old Girl Up The Road. She Smokes a Little SMOKE.( Reefer) Bootlegger 8 to 1

My prediction...... "Red Rider" will play a significant role in that battle, probably win it. (reefer) or not.
Red Has a good chance as well. Baby Merlin with only ONE LOCKING LUG. All the Hoopala, Pictures, Post after post of BS, Improved IGNITION. Is still a Sako Action with no improvments. A year later YOU HAVE TO HAVE A THREE LUG or you have nothing!!!!!

Bootlegger just left here. Barrel change, Ammo testing, Fed him some Jack Daniel's(he didn't care for). Tried to get him Looped up No Way, All he wanted to think about was the three gun tomorrow.

I TRIED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yup, hated that Jack Daniel's Single Barrel. Put back the RC Muller barrel on the sporter and it really responded. Retooled and ready to go for tomorrow. The World Famous Un-Calfee is just humming. The sky should be overcast tomorrow and the winds light. We should have good scores. Tasted Gordon's meatballs today and they are very tasty. See everyone tomorrow. What/who the heck is the Red Rider?? Whoever they are - they are in for a test. Gordon has his guns hummin' too and some pretty decent ammo too.
Early Report

The "UN calfee" Whooped Merlin And Baby Merlin. Not to forget. They are BLUE Printed Actions.

Bootlegger Bill Will give the final results.
Yup, hated that Jack Daniel's Single Barrel. Put back the RC Muller barrel on the sporter and it really responded. Retooled and ready to go for tomorrow. The World Famous Un-Calfee is just humming. The sky should be overcast tomorrow and the winds light. We should have good scores. Tasted Gordon's meatballs today and they are very tasty. See everyone tomorrow. What/who the heck is the Red Rider?? Whoever they are - they are in for a test. Gordon has his guns hummin' too and some pretty decent ammo too.

Test Complete....... "Red Rider" yep, its a Gordon Eck Special, Scores unofficially posted. Ed Longo.