Wawarsing NY 6/22 Match Results

Bill B

New member
We had a great day for our second match; warm, sunny with light to moderate breezes. I want to thank all the shooters who came out and a big thanks for helping me set-up and break-down. You guys make it easy and fun for me to run these matches.

The top scores were:


Gordon Eck - 249-18
Melvin Eck - 248-12
Bill Buskey - 245-10

10.5 lb

Bob Griffin - 250-21
Edward Longo - 250-14 FM2
Gordon Eck - 250-14 FM1


Bill Buskey - 250-13
Edward Longo - 249-18
Gordon Eck - 249-14

3 Gun Agg

Gordon Eck - 748-46
Melvin Eck - 745-39
Bob Griffin - 741-42



Bob Griffin - 250-15
Bill Buskey - 249-9
Ken Alfredo - 247-13


Edward Longo - 250-14
Ken Alfredo - 248-15
Bob Griffin - 247-11


Ken Alfredo - 248-16
Edward Longo - 248-10
Chris Peterson - 247-12

UL Agg.

Ken Alfredo - 743-44
Bob Griffin - 741-34
Edward Longo - 741-33
Congratulations to all the "Winners & Grinners". Some mighty fine scores!

We hope the see some of you 'Yorkers at the upcoming MA state shoots.

Thank You.

Bill: Thanx again for another Great match at Wawarsing! It looks like for some of us, here in this region, our next match will be there at Wawarsing again! Looking forward! Ed.
Ed, I'm gonna give you some excellent advise. You need to always keep this in mind wether you're having a bad day or your on fire........DON'T BEAT THE GUNSMITH.
Thanks for doing a great job.

Don't ever worry about "whoopin" up on this gunsmith. It is special for me to get out and shoot with you guys.

Timmy And Raider will show up in the near future.
"beat the gunsmith"

"beat the gunsmith" sounds like a fun new game to me........lol

Bill, Great job on running the match, and for having the best "hot dog sauce". I'm hooked.


The next match is the same weekend as our club's regional smallbore match so I may not be able to make it.

Ed, I'm gonna give you some excellent advise. You need to always keep this in mind wether you're having a bad day or your on fire........DON'T BEAT THE GUNSMITH.

When in the summer of 1816 did young Dr. Victor Frankenstein complete his lifes work in seeing his "creature" take life. Only to be haunted, condemed, and finally brought to demise by what should have been his greatest accomplishment, did the world take notice of him at all.

Thanx for the great rifle.....Dr. Gordoneckenstein.
Congratulations to all the "Winners & Grinners". Some mighty fine scores!

We hope the see some of you 'Yorkers at the upcoming MA state shoots.


Al: Clear the runway......Us "Yorkers" Plan on being there in Full Force! Thanx for the gracious invite. Looking forward! Ed Longo. New York.
Was talking with some of the "Yorkers" today Al ... they were gonna play nice and go easy on you so you could build up those "Gold" points, but now that you've thrown down the gauntlet, they're a coming fer ya!

I'm looking forward to the Mass.State 3-Gun Yards and Meters match day!!!!!!

Was talking with some of the "Yorkers" today Al ... they were gonna play nice and go easy on you so you could build up those "Gold" points, but now that you've thrown down the gauntlet, they're a coming fer ya!

I'm looking forward to the Mass.State 3-Gun Yards and Meters match day!!!!!!



I hear some of those Yorkers may be McCoy's
Kentucky, 1863.

Golly Ed, ya got us shiver'n in our boots. Looking forward to seeing you, it's been a while.


Al : This aint ABOUT no Hog no more. Ole Ran got us a new team a mule, an iffen we can git ta Tug Fork then across the BigSandy.....us McCoy's an our Kentucky rifles are gonna give you "Logan Wildcat's" a run fer yer money.
William, Ed Longo McCoy.
Al : This aint ABOUT no Hog no more. Ole Ran got us a new team a mule, an iffen we can git ta Tug Fork then across the BigSandy.....us McCoy's an our Kentucky rifles are gonna give you "Logan Wildcat's" a run fer yer money.
William, Ed Longo McCoy.

Hi Ed,

As a semi-Vermonter I guess I'll have to call out the GREEN MOUNTAIN BOYS for a redue of that long ago war. If'n menory serves the YORKERS were sent packing with their tails between their legs. Good luck with that new team of mules, may they give a big loud bray just when your McCoys are touching one off.

Al ;-)