Wawarsing 9/13 Match Results

Bill B

New member
I want to thank all my shooters for a fine year at Wawarsing. Thanks for all the help that has been extended to me. Today was a cool, overcast/rainy day. Winds were light all day. The lack of mirage and thermals was appreciated.

The top 3 shooters were:

Sporter: Bob Griffin 248-13, Pete Roberson 247-11, Paul Vobecky 246-9
10.5: James Wirehouse 250-20, Bob Griffin 249-18, Bill Buskey 249-18
13.5: Bill Buskey 250-20, Ed Hosier 250-14, Bob Griffin 250-14

3 Gun: Bob Griffin 747-45, Pete Roberson 745-43, Bill Buskey 744-49

Noteworthy: James Wirehouse's (a new shooter) 250-20X was his FIRST IR50 target ever shot. What a way to start James!!! He was shooting a Falcon smithed by Baity.


UL-1: Bob Griffin 250-20, Bill Buskey 250-18, Paul Vobecky 249-15
UL-2: Bob Griffin 250-19, Paul Vobecky 250-18, Bill Buskey 250-15
UL-3: Bill Buskey 250-20, Bob Griffin 250-19, Paul Vobecky 249-17

UL Agg: Bob Griffin 750-58, Bill Buskey 750-53, Paul Vobecky 748-50

WHAT????!!!! Yup, two 750s in UL. Congrats Bob!! I gotta tell ya tho, it hurts to shoot a 750-53 and come up short. We may not have a lot of shooters here in SE NY, but the competition is fierce!
Some great scores their Bill. Bob’s 750 58x is a world class score in anybody’s book. 750 53x isn’t to shabby :D

Bob has had a great year this year. If he could go the Nationals in a couple weeks he would be a real contender. He has the equipment, the temperament, and the skills to win any match he attends.
Wonderful shooting

Bob/Bill those scores are simply flaming fantastic shooting.
Well done to both of you that is getting it done in fine style.
Competition drives excellence and that is some kind of competition.
From my short time in benchrest it seems that always the rifles are the stars .
But its time to give the actual individual the credit he deserves.
kind regards Ben
Ben and Brian, thanks for your comments. Bob bested me again today at the Wallkill club, but with heavier winds and mirage today, there were no 750s but there were still some big targets shot.