Warning shortage warning

Roger T

Kellogge anounces that EGGO Waffles (everybodies breakfast food right):D will be in short supply until MID 2010 due to unforeseen plant shutdowns. So STOCK UP before your EGGO'S are as HIGH priced as your PRIMERS & POWDER. Don't get caught without, STOCKUP!! FILL your freezers buy another freezer or 2 JUST DON'T get caught short of EGGO'S.
Russians have found out about this and are already tooling up.

When I saw the price of Eggos going up last year I bought up a couple of years worth. So if anyone needs some to get through a match I will have a few extra with me at the Regionals that I will sell for what I paid for them.
I was LMAO this AM listening to the radio. Bob & Tom were going on about this Kellogg anouncement. Kristie was worried what the (her) kids would now eat for breakfast. Kellogg said that due to flooding/rain their Ga (I think) plant was down and their Tenn site was experiencing UNFORSEEN ISSUES. First the Arms Industry now the Food industry. Me thinks the rats are leaving the ship :eek:
Forget the Eggos - buy Wheaties! Cold cereal & two pieces of toast - that's the breakfast of champions! (Somebody's got to help us eat all the wheat we grow out here!)

Are frozen waffles. You've not heard/seen LEGGO MY EGGO commercials. Personally I like steak & eggs w/hash browns. But for those in a hurry or don't cook Eggo's seem to be a hit.
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I'm Not Worried

Now, if their suddenly became a shortage of Famous Amos Pecan Chocolate Chip Cookies, I would take to the streets........jackie
If they have a shortage of Blue Bell Ice Cream then I am going to worry.
Eggo shortage . . . looks like I am going to have to find something else to use for targets.
Eggo brand waffles are frozen garbage.Lots of Americans( especially children) are brainwashed into thinking that they're tasty and nutritious.Turn off the TV and it's as if they never existed.

Like Homer simpson and those "Power Bars" that he found were made from apple cores and old Chinese newspapers. ("what, Deng Xiaoping is dead!" Doh)
No Problem

We're ready for the shortage. My first wife makes hers from scratch and cooks them in a waffle iron.(What a novel idea) She cooks a bunch up and has them in the freezer for when the grandkids show up.

i hate to start another rumor, but i heard viagra was going to be in REAL
short supply...$200 a pill if you can find one:eek:
hand load ????
my case is necked to small, and powder musta got wet:D
wife gives me these thing)chill()chill(