warm up?


New member
Do you RF BR folks find that in cooler temps it takes a certain number of shots for your rifle to "wake up" and start shooting it's usual groups?
For me, my, rifles....in temps below 50 f. A few more rounds other than the normal 5-7 "heaters/fouler's are needed to get things going,including myself when the wind is blowing. I also find that any more than 1 or 2 minutes between shots will show a change,so the barrel needs to stay warmer than the air. " I think" jmo. Ed.
I have a 17 twist, anything below 65 deg. no sense wasting ammo. Also this particular barrel does not like to wait, so if waiting for a condition gets a bit long in the tooth got to pop a couple off in sighter or off target. Ammo not a factor on this for me eley black , Center x, old R50 all act the same in respect to waiting.
I "warm up" my rifle, with at least 6 shots of low-end ammo, plus another 10-15 sighters with my match ammo. This is for 200yd rimfire benchrest. It's my experience that the 40X needs that many to be ready to go. My Kimber 82g was more noticable when getting warm - I could hold the same POA and watch the POI march up and to the right.

Other shooters on the line will shoot fewer, some will shoot more. The guys shooting only a few warmup and sighters tend not to be the high score.