Virginia 1000 Yard State Championship 7/26 and 7/27 results on facebook

I guess I will never know since I do not do facebook.
I don't have access to their web site or to IBS other than on facebook. They send it to me and i post it where i can. I will try to put it here if i can.

This is matches 1 through 10 if it works. Gary


  • Copy of 2014 VA 1000 Relays through Match 10 Final.xls
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I don't have access to their web site or to IBS other than on facebook. They send it to me and i post it where i can. I will try to put it here if i can.

This is matches 1 through 10 if it works. Gary

Gary - thank you. :eek:
All match results of IBS matches are supposed to be submitted to Grosbier, and he will post them on the IBS website.
Way to go Larry Bryant. In HG, shooting 100, 100, 99, & 95. Your score agg should be at the top. Nice shootin'