Vinyl Thread protector caps?????


Club Coordinator
Does anyone know of a goods source for vinyl end caps that I could pickup for my spare barrels?

You can buy thread protector caps from Sinclair, Bruno etc but they add up fast. Must be cheaper using the vinyl end caps. They still offer protection.

Chambered barrels that have come to me from Stiller's Precision Firearms have had the caps that you are looking for. You might give them a call, or send an email.
Just bought some rubber crutch tips at the local hardware. Four of them for $ 2.49. They come in all sizes and can be
put on muzzle or threads in your choice of color. My store also had them in two different lengths
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I have looked at our local stores and nothing to be had. Fellas our hardware stores up here are not like what you guys have down south. What you guys can easily find down there are quite the chore at times to find up here.

I find places on the inet but they are BIG suppliers and want to sell 1000 at a time.
Could you make your own? Buy a can of that liquid for dipping tool handles in, use a metal round of the appropriate size with release agent, and go for it?

Does anyone know of a goods source for vinyl end caps that I could pickup for my spare barrels?

You can buy thread protector caps from Sinclair, Bruno etc but they add up fast. Must be cheaper using the vinyl end caps. They still offer protection.


Calvin, they are called chair leg tips. They come in 1/8" increments, 7/8", 1", 1 1/8". Usually sold in 4 packs. if you cannot find up there, let me know. I'll buy some here and mail them to you

I wonder if a pharmacy might have the crutch tips. I'm sure that there are enough Canadians with broken legs/whatever that crutches can't be all that scarce. I haven't been in a drugstore in Canada for awhile, and wasn't looking for them but they must be around someplace. I think that Sinclair International sells thread protectors that screw on the chamber end of barrels in most common designs for just this purpose, but they're more expensive than crutch tips.
Thanks guys for your input, and to David and Funnyman Francis for the offers. I found a place where I think I can order from.

Just have to contact them after the holiday and for the small price they are I will have many to give out.

I will stop by the Medical supply warehouse in town and see if they have crutch tips as well.

That's awesome!

I'ma do dat


I have barrel caps that I sold at the Super Shoot and still have a few left. A set includes one for threads and one for crown. I get $1.50 for the set.