ya, I dont think they are any better than what you build, prob not even by 1/2 as much but they are fun. The 22, without much work (trying 3 different round types Winchester super x/CCI and Elgy (sp?)) I was able to keep it 0.5" or under at 100. I dunno if this is good, great or whatever, probably could tighten it up more with different loads but it is good enough for me. Probably will switch off the scope for some redfield sights next. The 7.62, I am still working on, some groups under 0.4" but really holding about that, still get some randome 0.6 groups etc. I am still working up loads. The 22-250 is by far one of my most accurate rifles. My best group (stars aligned, wind blowing just right, random luck etc. was 0.082) all groups mention are 5 shot. This was luck, I am sure. It does shoot in the 0.1-0.2's, if i shoot above 0.25 I had a bad day. (I wont even bother telling you that I shoot off of bags as you probably already dont believe me!) I love this site for reading about accuracy tips, there is no way I could ever roll with the big boys here but I do love my 'vintage' rigs and they are just plain fun to look at and shoot. Good luck with yours! (btw my 22-250 load is H380 38gr, COL 2.4", case 1.88", 40g Sierra bltzking if u need a place to start) usual disclamers apply