Utopia Texas 400 yard Clay Shoot for 2014

Joe Duke

Active member
Utopia Shootout 2014

The 9th annual Utopia Shootout on April 12 is now in the books and Scott Deal gave us all a shooting lesson. Over the last year, we expanded our range from 6 benches to 12 benches so we could host a max of 48 shooters. We were booked up for the match but seven folks had issues arise and could not attend so we had forty one shooters participate.

The day started out cool, cloudy and fairly breezy with a southeast wind blowing up range. As the day went on, the clouds mostly went away and let the mirage build all day long so shooting conditions changed every time you went to the line. As usual, the Utopia range gave most of us all the tests we could handle and then some. However, also as usual, a few shooters made it all look easy. Scott Deal started his day by leaving one small clay on the first board. Then he never looked back as he proceeded to break every clay on the remaining boards and finished with an outstanding score of 970 points. Following Scott in second place was Ron Parker with 880 points for the day, third place Dean Thomason with 870 points, fourth place JB Cason with 860 points and fifth place Lance Modawell with 850 points. Rounding out the top ten were Mike Elliot with 820 points, Joe Duke with 820 points, Chuck Dodson with 800 points, Dennis Reed with 800 points, and Sam Duke with 800 points. Everyone who showed up and shot were ahead of all those who did not attend.

There were a number of new shooters in attendance and we surely do hope you enjoyed coming to our place to shoot as much as we enjoyed having you here. See you all at the next shoot.

By the way, Sam has indicated that for the meal next year we may forgo the BBQ. He figured everyone would approve if we just got Stephanie to make two washtubs of banana pudding and gave everyone a big spoon. :)

On a serious note, next year will be our tenth anniversary shoot. It is amazing how fast the years have gone by and how much the sport has grown in the last few years. Kudos go to all the range owners for hosting fine shoots and also to all the shooters who show up and participate.

Complete results are available at www.texasbenchrest.com

I thought every thing was bigger/better in Texas? We shoot clays in south Florida at 565 yds.
No Actually the thought never occurred to me, but now that you have brought it up I'll see about it. Maybe every thing is bigger/better in Texas!!!!!
Ebb, if you go to www.texasbenchrest.com and look on the photos page, there is a picture of a target crew changing the target boards. The standard target board has one 108mm standard clay, two 90mm midi sized clays and five 60mm mini clays on it. The large clay is worth 10 points, the midi's are worth 20 points each and the mini's are worth 30 points each so a board is worth 200 points. You shoot 5 boards for a possible score of 1,000. You take 10 rounds to the bench to break the 8 targets. There are no personal wind flags allowed, only whatever flags the range has. It is possible to shoot a clean score but it is not real easy. We have been doing this for a number of years now (this was our ninth shoot at Utopia) and the list of shooters who have shot clean is fairly short and a number of those occurred at one shoot when conditions were just about perfect.
Give it a try, It is fun and challenging.
We went to Manatee (friend and I) having never shoot a match let alone a clay match. I hit one target the first pass down the line (shoot till you miss) The third pass I hit 5 and the forth pass I hit 7. At the break I started talking trash to a guy I had talked to on the net, he whipped me mercilessly after that. He beat me by 2 targets. Together he and I had more hits than the rest of the field and there was over 35 shooters. I was on bench 32 and it was a real hard angle to the targets.
First one of these shoots I went to, I took my "good shooting" varmint weight .243. On the seventh shot, I busted a clay. I took a 6.5 x 284 to the next one.
It was a great time in Utopia.....Sounds redundant huh? First class range. First class people. All the Texas BBQ you could eat for lunch. Plus Miss Stephanie's banana pudding. Definitely worth the 400 mile drive. I think I even hit a clay or two.....
As usual the Dukes pulled of a great match. Or so I hear. I was one of those who had to pull out at the last minute. Sorry guys.
Mike C