Using a gain twist in 600 yard competition?

James M.

New member
I have used a Bartlein gain twist barrel (8.25-7.75) on my 6mm Dasher since 2010. It has in excess of 2000 rounds and still shoots well. I was wondering if anyone that shoots a Dasher has used a gain twist barrel, and if so, what has been your experience. I am thinking of a new barrel and don't know if I will try another gain twist or perhaps a regular twist. My other Dasher barrels have been 8 twist and they did not shoot the 105 Hybrids as well as the GT. Perhaps if I go to a faster twist (like 7.75 or 7.5) to handle the long hybrids. Let me hear from you Dasher shooters. Thanks, James Mock
I have used a Bartlein gain twist barrel (8.25-7.75) on my 6mm Dasher since 2010. It has in excess of 2000 rounds and still shoots well. I was wondering if anyone that shoots a Dasher has used a gain twist barrel, and if so, what has been your experience. I am thinking of a new barrel and don't know if I will try another gain twist or perhaps a regular twist. My other Dasher barrels have been 8 twist and they did not shoot the 105 Hybrids as well as the GT. Perhaps if I go to a faster twist (like 7.75 or 7.5) to handle the long hybrids. Let me hear from you Dasher shooters. Thanks, James Mock

I had trouble with 8 twist shooting the Hybrid. It liked the VLD better. I saw a lot of guys try the gain twist at 1000 and none of them seemed to shoot that great. Most went back to regular twists. I believe you need a 7.5 to 7 3/4 to shoot the hybrids good. Matt