Unertl Scope ??'s



I recently acquired through a loan, the use of a 15X unertl scope. I mounted it on my Walther KKM INtn'l Match for ARA stuff. The problem is I can't get it to focus to 50 yards. I adjusted the Objective lense to 50 yards and then adjusted the Subjective(eyepiece) lense. No joy. So I tried all possible combinations of Objective and Subjective focus with no luck. Then I completely unscrewed the Subjective and discovered if I back it out of the scope about 1.5 " I can finally get the 50 yard target in focus. It almost seem like there is a missing lense or somethiing has been whacked out of alignment.
Additional Data point: I do wear glasses and tried with glasses on and off with the same results
Any suggestions?
Yep, undid the locking ring. I was able to watch the yardage call outs change as I rotated the adjusting ring.
Unertl scope problem

Go to the Unertl formum, someone there might be able to help. Ive had several Unertl scopes and have not had any problems with focus from 50 feet to 300yds.

I believe Bob is right

I have an old 24X unertl that I haven't used for some time. If I remember correctly I had similar problems until I discovered that, after setting the distance, you have to advance the locking ring until it snugs up to get the focus.
unertl scopes

can be adjusted to focus down to just under 33 ft

first back of the locking nut all the way back...then start turning the objective lens in...its going to be a lot of turns to get it down to 50yd....dont wory about the settings marked on the scope just turn and look throught the scope and then turn again and look till you get it in focus

the eyepiece is for focusing the crosshairs to be sharp

sounds like the guy you got the scope from is blind.....or someone had just turned the eye piece way in

hopes this helps
