Unaka results

It was a perfect weekend in NE Tennessee this weekend at the Regionals in Johnson City, TN. The weather was superb, the match was well-run, and 43 of some of the best shooters in the SE came to Unaka Rod and Gun Club for the LV/HV 100/200 Regionals. With 3 of the top 6 shooters in the SER Hall of Fame present as well as a couple members of the BIG Hall of Fame and several members of various world teams over the years, this match had every bit of a big match feel. Norman Jones and Chris Lee run a superb match. They really go out of their way to try and make sure everything is right. Gordon Earp and crew do a great job scoring and handling the targest. And Widener's Reloading and Shooting Supply deserve a special thanks for the quite delicious food they served up for lunch each day. Here's the results:


1st: Terry Leonard .2074
2nd: George Waldrep .2130
3rd: Jeff Graves .2148

Small Group: Kenny McRary .109


1st: Mike Jennings .1966
2nd: David Reynolds .2022
3rd George Waldrep .2207

Small Group(and possible world record): Johnnie Stewart .047

LV Grand

1st: Terry Leonard: .2144
2nd: George Waldrep: .2168
3rd: Mike Jennings .2275
4th: Jeff Summers .2338
5th: Jeff Graves ..2350


1st: Terry Leonard .1688
2nd: Jeff Summers .2088
3rd: Larry Costa .2238

Small Group: Jerry Sharrett .087

HV 200

1st: George Waldrep .1777
2nd: Terry Leonard .2150
3rd: Travis Pomp .2203

Small Group: Wayne Campbell .181

HV Grand

1st: Terry Leonard .1919
2nd: George Waldrep .2186
3rd: Travis Pomp .2252
4th: Jeff Summers .2253
5th: Scotty Crawford .2287


1st: Terry Leonard .2032
2nd: George Waldrep .2177
3rd: Jeff Summers .2295
4th: Jeff Graves .2334
5th: Mike Jennings .2335
Great shoot and lots of fun. I shot like a blind man, but had a great time. Loading next to Smiley is an experience!

Thanks to the entire Unaka crew. They put on a first class shoot!
Great shoot and lots of fun. I shot like a blind man, but had a great time. Loading next to Smiley is an experience!

Thanks to the entire Unaka crew. They put on a first class shoot!

I'd like to second and third Steve's comment on thanks to the Unaka crew, a great shoot, lots of fun, shooting with Smiley, and shooting like a blind man (me).

Oh, grats to the winners. Terry Leonard really put a thumping on the rest of the field.

According to Norman Jones calculations this shoot's winning puts Terry in the SE Region HOF. A special grats to Terry.
Great Aggs

Congratulations to a lot of shooters for putting up some GREAT Two-Gun numbers.

Anybody noticed that the aggregates seem to be steadilly creeping down, (look at those Grand Agg numbers), or is it just my imagination..........jackie
Anybody noticed that the aggregates seem to be steadilly creeping down, (look at those Grand Agg numbers), or is it just my imagination..........jackie

Jackie...you may be right, but we did have very good conditions. There was no excuse for me shooting as bad as I did. I'm blaming it on my high milage, formerly very good barrels. Billy had chambered two new barrels for me, but I decided not to put one of them on...big mistake.
I know that feeling Steve. I tried putting on my old Spencer for this match, shot it on Friday and didn't shoot worth a poo. I think that old barrel has finally run it's course. :( Always disheartening to see a great barrel die.

But yes, congrats to Mr. Leonard in acquiring enough points to get into the SER Hall of Fame. Great job Terry.

This one was one of the best matches Chris and Norman (aka Papaw) ever put on. Everything went smoothly, even where they thought they might have problems, it all went smoothly. It's great to be somewhat affiliated with this match as it's one of the matches I really look forward too (even if it wasn't in my backyard).

Matthew S Keller
This one was one of the best matches Chris and Norman (aka Papaw) ever put on. Everything went smoothly, even where they thought they might have problems, it all went smoothly.
Matthew S Keller
And talk about service after the sale, I got my match report in this mornings mail.

Thanks again Norman, Chris, & Co. (& Co. includes the guy who does a great job singing the National Anthem---Matheu')
I got mine today.

I want to thank Norman Jones, Chris Lee, Gordon for a great job of scoring, the target crew and all involved in putting on this great shoot.

The lunches were wonderful, a very generious gesture by the owner of wideners.

Thank You All

Dan Honert
Norman and the crew did an outstanding job as usual. Unaka has the potential to be a major S.E.R. event if the camping facilities were improved. Thanks to Wideners for the excellent lunch Sat and Sun. This was one of the best
matches to date for Unaka. Nothing makes matches more fun that seeing small aggs and groups shot. I was at Phoenix when Skip shot his .099 and was mightily impressed. When I saw Johnny's .047 is was speechless. Some say its luck but I totally disagree, You have to be in the game to hit a home run. One big CONGRATS Johnny.
Johnny works hard at the Benchrest game and earns his rewards. Congrats to the winners and the outstanding consistency of Terry (Ice man) Leonard.