Two gun LT and HV Score Match

Jerry Reisdorff

New member
Would there be any intrest in a VFS match that you shoot a LT 10.5 gun and heavy 13.5 gun for a range two gun winner ? :D

Thanks Jerry
VFS Score

Two gun match, light and heavy, VFS. I like it.
I like it!!!

Make it a 3 gun and add Factory too!!! I'm getting CRAZY!!!

Then everyone could shoot 2 HV's and 2 LV's and have four times the chance of winning something and then...and then......and then...........ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzz

Lv & hv

Book it, we're in. Shooting 2 aggs a day with 7 minute matches is the way to go.
The agenda item enabling clubs to hold separate LV & HV score matches was passed a couple of years ago and to date no one to my knowledge has held a match in this format. It was an attempt to give parity to the PPC shooters who felt they were out gunned by the 30's. So where are they now??? :rolleyes:

I think we could do a one day two gun match ie...

LV 10.5 lb - any Cal - 100 yard 7 min time - 5 target no warm up match

and then a

HV 13.5 lb any Cal 100 yard 7 min 5 target no warm up match

Combine both scores for the two gun champion.

Kick in a little prize money at signup???? :eek:

Book it, we're in. Shooting 2 aggs a day with 7 minute matches is the way to go.
The agenda item enabling clubs to hold separate LV & HV score matches was passed a couple of years ago and to date no one to my knowledge has held a match in this format. It was an attempt to give parity to the PPC shooters who felt they were out gunned by the 30's. So where are they now??? :rolleyes:

Could the two matches be run at the same time? Some car races have two different classes on the track at the same time. Two different races, they just happen to be on the track at the same time.
Could the two matches be run at the same time? Some car races have two different classes on the track at the same time. Two different races, they just happen to be on the track at the same time.

That would work as long as you have 2 could still do warm ups and it would take less time than the 2 matches - might be better with less time especially during the winter...

How About Cleaning and Reloading?

I don't think two relays would work for competitors wanting to shoot two LV and two HV rifles. Not everyone shoots coated bullets and comes pre-loaded and those that don't will need time to clean and reload brass. Four relays would likely be the minimum and probably make the match unworkable, especially in the short days of Winter. The idea of entering TWO guns was a good one. Shoot LV in the AM with two relays, and HV in the afternoon, again with two relays (or switch the order if you like). Ed
I don't think two relays would work for competitors wanting to shoot two LV and two HV rifles. Not everyone shoots coated bullets and comes pre-loaded and those that don't will need time to clean and reload brass. Four relays would likely be the minimum and probably make the match unworkable, especially in the short days of Winter. The idea of entering TWO guns was a good one. Shoot LV in the AM with two relays, and HV in the afternoon, again with two relays (or switch the order if you like). Ed

The thought would be to have 2 relays with those who wanted to shooting one HV and one LV - not 2 of each...there will certainly be some who may wish to shoot only one rifle and maybe some others who choose to shoot in factory or some other "club" category...

I can see that it might be rushed if someone wasn't pre-loaded...possibly adding a 3rd (total) relay would give everyone enough time to load, etc. and still allow them to shoot 2 rifles in fewer total relays...

A few things. First, there will be absolutely no extra work given to the people that are already keeping the matches running at Fairfax. Second, forget about running separate aggs for LV and HV, not gonna happen. Third, there won't be any burden on those only choosing to compete with only one gun...two gun competitors will have to pony up the prize money for 2-gun awards. This would leave things pretty much exactly as they are now, except for tabulating the scores for two gun competitors. Someone needs to do the score keeping and someone needs to do the awards. Show of hands please:D
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You talk dirty.
Five 7 minute matches for LV and then five 7 minute matches for HV.
NBRSA has been doing it for years.

Francis, the problem with two seperate aggs for each class has to do with IBS Precision Rifleman points. Full points cannot be had unless at least 20 shooters start the agg. If we had separate aggs, we wouldn't get 20 guns for either HV or LV. The Big Picture for any who wish to be considered a top shooter in IBS are the three levels of Precision Rifleman status. As far as 7 minute matches, thats all we run now.
Hal has it right. We'll run the matches as always. We shoot two relays, those that choose to compete in the 2-gun, will shoot both relays. We never (intentionally) start a match with someone not present due to cleaning and reloading. It has happened and we apologize. It was by accident. Someone who is competing in the 2-gun will do the stats, utilizing the scores from the match. Any awards or cash payout for the 2-gun will be handled by the 2-gun competitors, from fees collected from the 2-gun shooters.
Along come father, son, and grandson sharing equipment. No third relay. Who stays home? It happens in Michigan at one range and father, son, and grandson all stay home. What is the difference in shooting two relays slowly and shooting three relays????? In time???????? - none.

Francis, we already have quite a few shooters that shoot 2 guns in these matches, no problems at all. We have enough benches that we don't need a third relay, ever. Of course if a third relay is needed to accommodate shooters needing to share equipment, then we have 3 relays.
Shooting 2 aggs a day with 7 minute matches is the way to go.:

Dave..we've been doing this for quite a few seasons out here. 100 in the morning and 200 in the afternoon. Starting at 0900 with two relays, 7 minute matches and a warm up at each yardage, we're usually done by 4:30 or so on Saturday. On Sunday, we'll do the same.

The agenda item enabling clubs to hold separate LV & HV score matches was passed a couple of years ago and to date no one to my knowledge has held a match in this format. It was an attempt to give parity to the PPC shooters who felt they were out gunned by the 30's. So where are they now??? :rolleyes:

Dave, 'yer killin' me here...just killin' me! :D Hopes were high for a knock down, drag out, bar room brawl between the 10.5 lb. 6mms and those dunderheaded individuals who were foolish enough to want to wrestle a 10.5 30BR and swim upstream in the L.V. River of No Return. ;) Some cretins went so far as to build a seperate new 10.5 lb. 30BR gun just for the occasion. :eek: Me, for example. :(

But it never happened. And that's a shame 'cuz the 6's versus the .30's in a LV format would be such a hoot for everyone.

Hope you guys can get this going out there. :) -Al
Dave..we've been doing this for quite a few seasons out here. 100 in the morning and 200 in the afternoon. Starting at 0900 with two relays, 7 minute matches and a warm up at each yardage, we're usually done by 4:30 or so on Saturday. On Sunday, we'll do the same.-Al

Al, thats not what these guys are talking about. We have run 100 and 200 in the same day at Fairfax. Dave's talking about running it like a group match, LV100 in the AM and HV100 in the PM. There are simply not enough light guns out there to make this worth while IMO. Running a 100yd agg in the AM and a 200yd agg in the PM is fine, with one exception...not enough help. The only 2 yardage match we had this year, I couldn't shoot at all because we didn't have enough help. I am all for expanding the shoots at Fairfax, matter of fact I have the desire to take benchrest at Fairfax to a whole new level. Talk is cheap though. Who else is willing to step up and help make it happen?
The agenda item enabling clubs to hold separate LV & HV score matches was passed a couple of years ago and to date no one to my knowledge has held a match in this format. It was an attempt to give parity to the PPC shooters who felt they were out gunned by the 30's. So where are they now???

David, Cutting a bigger hole isn't "outgunning" anyone. That's just common sense.

The agenda item was "passed" last January, not a couple of years ago, right?

Where are "they" now? Waiting, it seems. You answered that one yourself in the sentence before: " date no one to my knowledge has held a match in this format."
