Trimming brass


New member
How much under your chamber length do you trim your brass?
For example, if I have a .308 chamber length of 2.032", what is the max length I should trim my brass to?
From a max known/measured length ...

How much under your chamber length do you trim your brass?
For example, if I have a .308 chamber length of 2.032", what is the max length I should trim my brass to?

20 Thousandths. Max to: 2.012. I would trim from 2.022 to 2.012. That would give me a 0.010 measure of safety from 2.022 to 2.032. Art
an interesting note on trimming

Though not every rifle does this, some require trimming after every loading if possible.

For example, the 6xc i have is probably my best shooting rifle period. what keeps it consistant is trimming the brass..i've built 2 6xc's that shoot really well and both require trimming after every shot to maintain best accuracy.

the brass i'm using will grow up to .005 on 1 shot. We quit shooting 2nd, 3rd ect. shots because of accuracy deterioration. (In other words. we trim after every shot). I say we, because my shooting buddy David's rifle acts the same. His on a Bat DS action, mine on a Viper.

just something to keep in mind?


How much shoulder bump are you giving the brass ?

shoulder bump

My shoulder bump is .0005... just as little as possible. It really suprises me tha this rifle behaves like this in regards to brass growth. the shoulder is 30 degrees just like my ppc's which grow very little. I suppose the body taper of the xc is what contributes to brass flow. The other day on 5 pieces i measured one of them had almost no growth, the max was .005 on one with the others in between 3 & 5.
