Trigger Over Travel


New member
New to the benchrest game. I figured you guys could answer this question the best. Is there a certain amount or standard for over travel? If so how much should I set the trigger for?
Yeahhh, zero.


Seriously, my standard is "as little as the assembly allows" which in some cases is so small as to be undetectable.

hmmm, for BR use that makes good sense!

I've always kept mine at minimum for everything...... I'm rethinking my purist logic re BR rifles.

Maybe I've been oversteering all this time! ;)

Let's get some more opinions. I might have some triggers to reset. :)

A couple years ago, I came to the conclusion that (except for autoloaders) more overtravel is better. Especially for BR!

I use Kelbly, Jewel, and Shilen triggers. As to the overtravel, I follow the manufacturers instructions, which generally is just enough to allow reliable trigger release without noticeable aftertravel.
On page 20 of his book, "Extreme Rifle Accuracy" Mike Ratigan says this about trigger over-travel,

"I adjust my triggers so they don't hit the over-travel stop when pulling the trigger; I don't want to hit a hard stop after the trigger breaks."
As much over travel as possible.

Think about it, what does minimum over travel buy you except the possibility of bottoming the trigger shoe and influencing the gun before the bullet has left the bore. With maximum over travel this cannot happen, even with the strongest trigger slap.

Whoever came up with adjustable over travel in a BR trigger was probably just pandering to old wives tales and/or pre-conceptions developed in other gun applications/era's..................Don
I agree

As much over travel as possible.

Think about it, what does minimum over travel buy you except the possibility of bottoming the trigger shoe and influencing the gun before the bullet has left the bore. With maximum over travel this cannot happen, even with the strongest trigger slap.

Whoever came up with adjustable over travel in a BR trigger was probably just pandering to old wives tales and/or pre-conceptions developed in other gun applications/era's..................Don

with Don. It may not even be an issue but it is peace of mind knowing.

I used to set mine to stop as soon as possible after breaking. I lucked out in a benchrest shooter explaining why overtravel was good.


I like mine to have as much overtravel as possible. -Al
This is very interesting. I have always been in the alinwa camp but maybe I should rethink this.
Does it matter how you are holding the rifle? For example is this only if you shoot free-recoil?
I like overtravel for the simple fact that I know my trigger should re-set if it got dirt or whatever in it.

I know this is usually never a factor in benchrest but, in a hunting rifle this could make or break a hunting trip. Therefore I adjust all my triggers the same.
