Travellin' Tennessee


Dennis Sorensen

I have a friend who just called. He is on his motorcycle and is somewhere in Tennessee right now. He left B.C. the middle of July on a trip that took him to the Maritimes and now down the east coast, and eventually across the south, and up the west coast... he should be home by November. Too much of a trip for me...

...but he said he was just at a BBQ where you could eat all you want of really good smoked BBQ ed meat... he has never been so full... and all for $4.95. :D

I wish I was there...

I have roots there... Dad' side comes from the Dixon area.

Only been there once for a reunion YEARS ago....pretty state!! Great football team too!!

It is a nice place to live; great fishing, mild winters, low cost of living and ample opportunities to shoot and hunt.

I'd love to know where the cheap BBQ is, thought.
The best BBQ, beef and pork, in Tennessee and the US is at Ridgewood BBQ in Elizabethton, TN. It has been written up in many food magazines and many of the NASCAR drivers eat there during the Bristol races. Their sauce is the greatest, a sweet, smoky, molasses based sauce.

Some examples of their quality is they use hams instead of the cheaper shoulders for the beef and pork meat sources.

Their meat is cooked and smoked, on site, from Hickory, from the owners woodlands. They have been in business and owned by the same family since about 1952.

They are located about 15 minutes from the Unaka Rod & Gun range which has 2 2-day NBRSA LV/HV 100/200 per year. They are about 20 minutes from the Kettlefoot R&G range where the new 60 bench IR 50/50 range is located.
They are located about 15 minutes from the Unaka Rod & Gun range which has 2 2-day NBRSA LV/HV 100/200 per year. They are about 20 minutes from the Kettlefoot R&G range where the new 60 bench IR 50/50 range is located.

Jerry, has Kettlefoot started holding benchrest matches again? Claude Smith told me a few years ago they were going to try and Charlene told me that Claude was not going to be involved in holding matches and she sounded pretty firm. ;)

Wilbur said you could recognize a true benchrest shooter as one that would go to the outhouse at Kettlefoot on Sunday morning with a newspaper under his arm and carrying a cup of coffee in his hand.
Jerry, has Kettlefoot started holding benchrest matches again? Claude Smith told me a few years ago they were going to try and Charlene told me that Claude was not going to be involved in holding matches and she sounded pretty firm. ;)

Wilbur said you could recognize a true benchrest shooter as one that would go to the outhouse at Kettlefoot on Sunday morning with a newspaper under his arm and carrying a cup of coffee in his hand.

Yep, the little green outhouse. That was Wilbur's branch office. It even has a carpet padded seat!!

We spent about $85,000 on redoing the 100/200 range. Then Claude fell through the roof of the old firing line tearing it know that story. We don't have anyone for a center fire match director there. Claude ran the centerfire matches at Kettlefoot for about 20 years. I guess that is enough for him.

Cliff Keesee does the IR 50/50 rimfire events and does a great job.
Well I am on my way to Utah Wednesday morning pulling a trailer... I will meet up with my friend and bring his broken bike and him home. 5 broken ribs, a broken thumb, torn shoulder ligaments, stitches and lots of road rash... It's a good hospital in St. George... he doesn't remember the details.. he had stopped and bought some books at a touristy place and then riding down the road... and the next thing someone is taking his helmet off in a helicopter...

Back in a week or so...

He got lucky.......... My next-door neighbours' friends have spent the last week scouring the ditches for her husband. They found him and the bike down over an edge. Dead.

Nice drive Utah....once't you clear Seattle/Olympia..... If you get tired pull over for a wink eh, You Canucks are famous for trying to do these 24-26hr shots in one go ;)

Call me at 360 904 6941 if you get in trouble in the Portland/Vanc's about halfway.

Do you think it would be quicker coming right down I-5 from Seattle to Portland and then heading east or driving S.E across Washington toward Salt Lake city?
Do you think it would be quicker coming right down I-5 from Seattle to Portland and then heading east or driving S.E across Washington toward Salt Lake city?


I wish the best for your friend. He has a good friend in you.

My lo-tech Rand McNally says that you will save about 1 hour and 50 minutes and 98 miles by cutting across Washington. I-90 and I-82 can't be too bad.

I have not driven any of that route but I have the other. Beautiful drive up the Columbia river. Why don't you go one way and come back the other, if you feel like it?

Concho Bill
Good idea Bill... the I-90 and I-82 looked shorter on a map ... I think I will go down that way. Thanks.

Yes I'd cut across WA too from up there....... I picture it the other way just because I live down at the joint of I-5 and I-84 near Portland.

I just spoke to a friend who's driven the route from Vanc BC to the Tri-Cities of Pasco/Kennewick/Richland many times....... he says the the best way is 90 to Ellensburg, 82 to Tri-Cities and then your only decision is whether to drop down to 84 or take 90 around the north side of Tri-Cities.....

You've got it right.

Well he probably found that good Ole' BBQ in Tn... we sure know how to fix it.
Dennis ,

How is your friend? What happened? How was your trip?

Concho Bill

He is pretty sore... and does not remember what happened... the Doctors think he passed out from the heat and dehydration.

He had a good nights sleep previously and had stopped at a touristy store and bought some books. He remembers that and riding away from that store. About 5 miles later (Marble Canyon in Arizona) the tracks show where he rode off the highway ... there were no witnesses. Someone saw his bike and him laying beside the road. All he remembers is waking up while being strapped under a helicopter. He normally wears protective gear but because of the heat was riding in a shirt and jeans and a helmet for the last two days. Big scrapes and bruising and stitches on his right leg. Big scrape and bruising on his left arm. Torn up left shoulder muscles. 5 broken ribs. His helmet is really dinged up and did it's job. 50 yards further and he would have been down a deep gorge and he just missed face planting into some big cactus. It looks like the bike (ST1300) flipped end over end once.

The trip started out crappy... a plug blew out of his truck. Luckily I was only a few miles from a large dealer and it only took 4 hours to fix it and check all the plug threads... (2003 F150 - 4.6)

Saw some real pretty country and some real bleak land. I see why parts of it were used for testing bombs... :D
"Saw some real pretty country and some real bleak land. I see why parts of it were used for testing bombs.."

Yeahh you did!

You oughtta' see the eastern route out of Salt Lake City heading for bust up through Park City in the Spring and think "So THIS is why they held the Olympics here :) " and then you break over the hump and fall off into a bleak vomitous feel like you're in a black and white Norwegian movie.

Sounds like your buddy bailed in the bustrock and sand country...... He probably feels that Somebody was watching to keep him from hitting a cactus or a rock :)

Glad he's alright. And you got in ONE more teenage adventure :D Man, you were almost right in Vegas too........

