Tomball Gun Club



What do I need to do to join/apply? I shot one match awhile back with you guys, and loved it. If needed, I can pm my phone number/email to someone for more info.

Thanks in advance!

That is a tough one.

Tomball has a closed memership, and it has been maxed out for some time. Someone has to quit, or die, for an openning to come up.

As an example, it took me 4 years to finally get in.

I am not sure that the club is even taking applications at this time, as there is a pretty big backlog.

Of course, if you have a friend in the club, you can always come as a guest. Or, come out and shoot the matches. Our next Benchrest Club Match is June 7........jackie
"Someone has to quit, or die, for an openning to come up."

.........ahem, "or die"....? That's kind of a dicey statement for a place where a lot of folks with guns hang out. (How many openings do ya need...?):eek::eek:

Hey, that was a joke........:eek::D

(the way I shoot, everybody is safe)
Lol, thanks for the reply.

Does anyone want to be my friend and take me shooting? :)