Tight Barrel


I have a Weihrauch HW660M rifle with a Butler chamber, that is to say the chamber is .750” deep with a 2* taper into the lands and groove’s. It shoots all around the 9 ring with an occasional 10 or X. I’ve taken the rifle to my gunsmith and asked him to re-chamber the barrel to an Anschutz match chamber. Well…the barrel refuses to come out. I was wondering, with the international subscribers to this forum, if anyone knows how to remove this barrel from the action. Yes the barrel is pined and the pin has been removed.

I believe hearing somewhere these are similar to some Anschutz....there has to be, usually, some heat applied and they have to be pressed out with a mandrel.
Hi Tim,
The smith informed me that he tried soaking the action in “Croil” over night and then applying what he thought was a considerable amount of pressure. He then tried heating the appropriate part of the action with a torch and again applying pressure but to no avail. He thought that perhaps the barrel was threaded in, I told him I didn’t think the manufacture threaded the small caliber barrels. I hope I’m right because come this Tuesday I’m going to apply a massive amount of pressure. The barrel will either come out or the action breaks.

Wilbur, I thank you for good wish.
The gun smith didn’t want to proceed because he was concerned
with damaging the rifle.
So I picked it up, took it down to my garage and proceeded to build
A construction, pictured below, out of some scrap wood and a mandrel
clamp I had laying around. After sliding the barrel through the clamp
into the construction, securing it with a rope and using a length
of bar stock, I proceeded to pound the devil out of that gun. After about
five minutes of vigorous beating the barrel popped out. I took the barrel
and action back to the gun smith to complete the re-chambering. Hopefully it
will be done in a few days. I’ll let you know if it shoots.



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Like I said, pressed out.
I do have one question. If you ‘re dealing with a guy that seems clueless nor has equipment as to how to remove a pressed in barrel, what gives you reason to believe he’s going to be any more capable fitting a new blank?
Hint....you’re likely to get an undersized tenon to make HIS life easier & probably a coned breech since I doubt he can time the extractor cuts properly.
Your money, your gun, but right about now a light should be blinking.
Hi Tim, I’m not worried about his abilities, he has done re-barreling before.
He and I went through his shop, he’s got all the equipment necessary to get the job done, all except a hydraulic press.
This, he did confess, is the first rim fire he will do.
He was overly concerned with damaging the gun where I was not.
He did say that this was the first barrel he could not get out.

Good deal Bob! I can understand why the gunsmith didn't want to continue even if he had everything he needed...and it appears that you can too.

Hope it shoots like the "hammers of hell" when finished. Please let us know either way...

Well here we are back to the top.
I got my re-chambered 660 match rifle back from the smitty today.
The new chamber is just like an “anny” chamber.
I’ve hung an old tactical scope on it and boar sighted, didn’t need to adjust the scope but a few clicks, hope to shoot it this Monday.

I took the HW660M to the range today, I couldn’t wait to shoot it.
Below I have listed some information on past performance of the 660M and some comparisons with my “Anny”.
You can see that the new chamber didn’t help the 660M at all.
You may also see that I’m not a very good shot.
The scoring is IR 50/50

HW660M Statistic’s:
Aguila Sub Sonic 40gr RNL 1025, 1000 Rounds, 230.3 and 2.5x per card
CCI Stan.Vel. 40gr LRN 1070, 1900 Rounds, 230.26 and 3.6x per card
SK Stan. Plus 40gr LRN 1073, 1500 Rounds, 231.17 and 5.45x per card
ELEY CLUB 40gr LRN 1085, 1600 Rounds, 218.33 and 3.75x per card
WOLF Match Target 40gr LRN 1050, 300 Rounds, 219.83 and 5.23x per card

Shot today:
SK Stan. Plus 40gr LRN 1073, 100 Rounds, 230.75 and 5x per card

Anschutz 54 Statistic’s:
WOLF Match Target 40gr LRN 1050, 200 Rounds, 241.62 and 9.87x per card
SK Stan. Plus 40gr LRN 1073, 400 Rounds, 240.75 and 8.93x per card
These are the only ammo I have tried in the “Anny” so far.


PS. The number after LRN (Lead Round Nose) indicates the feet per second of the ammo.
In spite of the fact that I know better, perhaps a final thought.
Unless you’re absolutely in love with the volume proposition, for what you spent on five kinds of ammo that most would tell you, going in, would be sub par, you could have spent the same on quality ammo, likely shot way better and learned a lot more.
Just a thought.
While I mostly agree with what Tim wrote...the rifle might not shoot better with "quality" ammo. I'd sure give it a try though. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Gentlemen, you may all be correct in your assertions.
I just priced some ammo:
SK Standard Plus is $60.00 a brick.
Eley Tenex is $200.00 a brick.
These numbers are of course before tax.

That’s about a 300% increase in cost to obtain a 4% or 9% increase in result.
As an experiment, it might be interesting but to spend so much on a regular basis, for me is not viable.
Bearing in mind the reason for and the type of shooting I do, the percentages don’t make sense.
I shoot to see how well I can do without ammo that glows in the dark.

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