We can never repay both the living and dead for the great gift for which that fought and so many died. Oh, how many of us have taken it so for granted. Many of us have spent most of our lives feeling that freedom was an entitlement instead of a gift. People have served and died to give us this gift. On Memorial Day we hold it in such high importance but how often in the past have we taken it for granted? The knowledge of how precious this gift is has helped me understand that these men did not serve and die in vain and become the forgotten. Only when we live under the delusion that we are somehow entitled to freedom have we broken faith with them. I have realized that freedom is only free to me because it was paid for by the lives of many. The amazing part is that they gave it to us with no expectations of anything in return. A gift that was fought for and won by those that served was given to us with no strings attached. Our only responsibility is that we protect it well so we can pass it down to our children and all future generations. The truth is that we don't have to know and remember the names of all those who served and died but rather we should hold sacred the cause for which they unselfishly served and died.