The Scarlet Letter

Tim Oltersdorf

Active member
Out of curiousity did anyone who attended the Cactus get Covid 19? The four of us who traveled together are asymptomatic. Given our age and teetering on the grave general health we are presumably viral free. I know I was coughing constantly but that was due to pulmonary fibrosis and not the virus. I did notice people gave me a wide berth and used bullhorns to communicate with me. If no one got the virus then it just goes to show that the ancient civilizations were right. Loud noises and fire scares away evil spirits. Tim

I don't think I brought the virus home from the Cactus, but I'm pretty sure my bullets were scared. The whole time I was in Phoenix my bullets were practicing social distancing. After they got out of the box they kept a safe distance apart on the target.
I was just thinking about this

With the Cactus just over two weeks ago certainly if there was anyone at the event that had the virus they would have had the symptoms by now. Michelle and I, who came in contact with most of the competitors have not shown any signs of the virus.
Mark, I thought the same thing. If any competitors have it now I don't think they got it at the Cactus. They sure could have caught some thing else from Larry Leser or Kelly Ellis, but I think that is treatable.:cool: