The Legend of Fairchance Gun Range, Smithfield Pa.


Well-known member
With the IR 50/50 Nationals coming up next weekend I'm not sure I should make this post.

I do not want to scare any one away from attending the Nationals. But in all fairness,

I feel obligated to tell those that don't know Fairchance has a kind of a reputation for being an unpredictable range.

We have all shot at ranges that had strange winds and had places on the range that those in the know didn't want to shoot from.

Fairchance does not have anyone place on the range or any benches like that. Fairchance can be good and bad on any and all benches.

The range sits on the top of hill that makes up one side of a big valley. On the other side of the valley at the top is a long line of wind power generators.

They are far enough away as not to affect things. Well maybe?

I've seen the wind at Fairchance just howl. Blowing so hard you were not even holding in the same square as your scoring target. I've also seen it so still the flag tails weren't moving at all.

Of course, I've seen everything in between. But then I've seen the things that have created the "Legend of Fairchance".

That is when nothing makes sense. I've seen many good shooters swear they will never shoot Fairchance again. Bring strong men to their knees.

On the other hand, a win at Fairchance is something to be proud of. Everyone knows that win wasn't just given to you. You had to battle for it.

I'll tell about just this one event, but believe me, there are many others. But I'll tell you about just this one at this writing.

One sun shiny day we were getting ready to shoot a match at Fairchance. The wind wasn't especially hard, but it was switching like it usually does.

A guy was taking his target to the backer down range and he lost his grip and the target blew out of his hand and went up and blew back toward the benches.

It looked like it was going to land on the roof that covers the benches, so many of us ran to the back side ready to catch it as it slid off the roof.

Well, that didn't happen. When it didn't come down, we all backed up further to see where it went, and we saw it going straight up. It was floating flat but going straight up.

It wasn't blowing away it was just going up. It continued to go up until we could no longer see it. It did not blow away just up.

For many of us we thought now I see why some of my bullets just take off high. But armed with this knowledge it has not helped my shooting one bit.

Because I've also seen days when everything just kind of fell out of the sky.

Now I don't want this to scare anyone. For all I know we may set new records in every class. The only thing I'm sure of is if you aren't there you will miss a great match.

See you Next weekend.

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Yes and if it’s anything like this weekend. There possibly could be some great targets shot. At the same time it was 58 degrees the other morning and that felt really cold as we have been in the mid 80’s to 90’s last month or so. So low 50’s feels pretty cold.
We are going to have a good time. I’m really looking forward to it. Naturally I’d like to shoot well but the experience of shooting with some legendary HOF shooters. Should say it all.
Hope to see everyone there. Please don’t hold your displeasure with other Matches against Fairchance rod and gun club and show up and shoot. You won’t be disappointed.