The harrison matches are back...


New member
After Matt cancelled the ICSC matces for 2018 there was much complaining and knashing of teeth from those who had shot with us for years. Then somethng good happened... This spring the Harrison Sportsmans Club decided that they missed the revenue generated by our benchrest matches. They had been talking about how to start them up again just when we needed a range to shoot at. Since no one in the club has a clue re: how to run a BR match they seemed quite happy when I and a few other felows volunteered to run them again.

The first match will be a score match on May 26. All matches will be exactly as we have run therm successfully in the past... start at 10 AM sharp... get there early to register and set up your equipment... show up at 10:05 and you get to watch. We will shoot Factory Rifle and Benchrest Rifle classes as before.

Since this just happened yesterday, much has yet to be decided... If Big Al (or whoever) is available with his computer half of our matches will be group. If there is no computer with the proper program available, the matches will be all score. We have no further schedule till I meet with the board next Tuesday and find out when the range will be available. A schedule for the year will be posted here as soon as I have one. We will try hard not to schedule matches on dates another club has already taken. (Andy Tabor... call me.) We will try to have at least one match a month thru September.

Harrison has, for a long time, had the best 100yd. range in the area. We do lack a large covered area in which to clean guns and reload. Be prepared to bring a table or clean on the back of your pickup or SUV.

We will need some help for one work day to get the range and scoring house in shape, dig up the PA system, etc, etc. To anybody close by and who was complaining about not having a place to shoot... when that date is announced... show up... there's really not that much to do but we need everything ready before the 26th.

Matt Dardas... I've been following your mother's progress on Andrea's Facebook page. I know it's a bad time but call me as soon as you can... I really need to talk to you. Big Al... ditto.

More as soon as I have the information...

Dick Wright
If we have someone who can bring a computer and a printer, we can hand out match results right after the match is done. Matt has been doing that and it works well.
After a very positive meeting with the Board of Directors at the Harrison Sportsmans Club, it's official... all future matches will be held there. A full match schedule will be posted shortly.

Several notes... we will retain Jay's sponsorship... come, win your class and, in addition to your cash prize, you get a Jay's gift card. The first few matches wil be 100 yd. score. The decision on group matches later.

We will follow our tried and true format.. Arrive early for set-up and coffee and donuts, start shooting at 10 AM sharp. After the match we will repair to the Budd Lake Bar for burgers, etc.

Our goal will be the same as always... the matches will be fun and fair. What more can you ask for a fifteen buck entry fee?

We will still have the Brian Albee Memorial prizes sponsored by Jeff Aberegg. The best score and the smallest group agg. will each get a cash prize after the last match. Thanks Jeff.

Dick Wright
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