The Anti-Hunter Amendment


Chasin' the Sunset
No, my name is not on the amendment, literally -- however, my name is all over it. Given the possibility of a perceived threat to the status quo, I'm not surprised that the former president and the BOD took the time to amend the by-laws because of me. I lost the election and don't have any HOF points; however, I now have a by-laws amendment designed in my honor! ;)

The email trail below (which is in chronological order) provides a bit of background.


Sent: Friday, September 07, 2018 9:28 AM
To: Gene Bukys; Mike Bryant; Don Creach; Jean-Marie Deletang; Steve Lee; Terry Meyer; Bud Mundy; Jack Neary; David Woodward; Dan Zaccanti
Subject: President's Agenda Item # 2

Mr. President and Members of the BOD,

I want to share my thoughts on a few the BOD agenda items shown in the September 2018 issue of Precision Rifleman.


President’s Items

#2, regarding changing the qualifications for being a director from having been a member for at least “3 years” to3 consecutive years prior to running for director, with no lapses in membership.”

That strikes me as a needless an ill-advised rule change, intended to tighten-up on what could be viewed as a circle-the-wagons approach to running the NBRSA. The proposed change does nothing to assess a potential candidate’s capability of being a director or his/her interest in helping the benchrest community; rather, it seems intended to blackball certain former members whose views on management might differ from those of the majority of the current members of the BOD – someone who might bring new ways of thinking to the BOD. The NBRSA has experienced a fairly steady decline in membership over many years and it should make it easy for members to run for the office of director. As far as I know, an incumbent director has been challenged only twice in years – that can’t be good for the organization.

In addition to the suspect rationale of the proposed rule, the language of the proposal raises some interesting questions. First, it seems as though the last phrase would exclude anyone whose membership ever lapsed for any reason from running for director, even if the lapse was due to an oversight in the timely payment of dues. Surely, that’s not the intent....

What does this proposal really accomplish other than keeping folks from running for director who might have had a legitimate reason for a lapse in membership – regardless of when or how long that lapse was? I submit that it does nothing and suggest that it not be implemented.

Query – other than me, would the proposed change have prevented anyone in the history of the NBRSA from running for director? This proposal seems to have my name written all over it, but it leaves open the possibility I could run for director in the future.


Date: 9/19/18 4:00 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: Steve Lee
Subject: ...

Steve, ... what was the BOD vote on Gene Bukys’ proposal that the by-laws be changed for the qualifications for being a director from having been a member for at least “3 years” to3 consecutive years prior to running for director, with no lapses in membership.”


From: Steve Lee
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 10:59 AM
Subject: ...

The vote passed. Won't affect you next time assuming no lapses in your membership.


Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 11:20 AM
To: Steve Lee
Subject: ...

Steve, thanks for responding.

... given that you know I let my membership lapse at the end of 2016, can you explain your understanding of how the “no lapses” clause would NOT affect me?
Be careful I heard on good authority the new President intends to utilize a black Momba on the rable rouseing

Not sure you heard
The NBRSA wants Directors who are dedicated to fulfilling the mandate of the Organization

I would think that this dedication would extend to not only bothering to keep your membership current, but also being an active participant in the events that the Organization sanctions.

Sounds like common sense.
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Seems plain to me, no lapses for 3 consecutive years prior to running for director, Nothing about never having a lapse.

The proposal reads, in pertinent part, "3 consecutive years prior to running for director, with no lapses in membership." Under your interpretation, what does that last phrase add to the sentence? It's not needed to describe what "consecutive" means; thus, maybe it means something beyond those three consecutive years.
It seems to me that:

1. No one cares.

2. No one cares.

3. No one cares.

Just my interpretation. No black mamba involved.

From: Steve Lee
Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 10:59 AM
Subject: ...

The vote passed. Won't affect you next time assuming no lapses in your membership.


Sent: Thursday, September 20, 2018 11:20 AM
To: Steve Lee
Subject: ...

Steve, thanks for responding.

... given that you know I let my membership lapse at the end of 2016, can you explain your understanding of how the “no lapses” clause would NOT affect me?

Bill this will not affect you because by the time I come up for reelection you will have been a member for three consecutive years...assuming you don't have another hissy fit and let your membership lapse.

One of these days I hope you realize that contributing to the organization in a constructive way will win more support than sniping from the sidelines. Why don't you come to the Roanoke shoot October 6-7, shoot and visit with the other shooters and talk about shooting rather than politics? Hope to see you there!

The proposal reads, in pertinent part, "3 consecutive years prior to running for director, with no lapses in membership." Under your interpretation, what does that last phrase add to the sentence? It's not needed to describe what "consecutive" means; thus, maybe it means something beyond those three consecutive years.
If it means anything other than 3 consecutive yrs without a lapse in those 3 yrs it is very poorly worded.
Bill this will not affect you because by the time I come up for reelection you will have been a member for three consecutive years...assuming you don't have another hissy fit and let your membership lapse.

One of these days I hope you realize that contributing to the organization in a constructive way will win more support than sniping from the sidelines.

Steve, I renewed on Dec 20, 2017; thus, three consecutive years later would be Dec 20, 2020. Your current term runs through the 2020 Nationals and I'm not aware of the Nationals ever having been held after mid-October. So, again, why do you say the amendment will not affect me?

As for having contributed to the organization in a constructive way, you know I've done that plenty of times.

BTW, if you're interested, ask me the next time we see each other and I'll give you all the background as to, as you say, the "hissy fit."
Don't you people have better things to do....Fing GROW UP .... I know you arn't 4years old..

A couple of responses to this thread puzzle me. I've frequented this board for close to twenty years. During that time roughly every 6 months someone starts a thread bemoaning why benchrest isn't growing and asked how it can be grown.
I asked Wilbur what were the duties of regional directors. He told me that part of the duties were actively doing things to promote and grow benchrest in their region. This would include recruiting new ranges and shooters and establishing new competitions. (Wilbur can feel free to correct me if I misunderstood or misquoted him). I have been the benchrest chairman for a club of more than 1000 members for fifteen years. I have been president of this club for one year. During that time I have never once been approached by anyone representing NBRSA. In addition, I have shot in benchrest competition at a range/club where one of the regional directors is a member (or was). I have shot there a minimum of three times per year. (I shoot there when it gets too cold at our range). I have only seen this person at the range one time and even then he wasn't there to shoot. My point is, I don't see any active promotion going on.

Now you have an active shooter who is displeased with the current leadership. Whether he has good reason is difficult to say as said leadership doesn't seem to want to share information. What folks have told him in this thread is essentially, " take your toys and go play in the street". He's been told nobody cares, which appears to be true. And he's been told to grow up. I'm sure I'm not the only non-member who has watched this thread. The picture you folks are painting of the NBRSA isn't one that will attract many new shooters/members or so it seems to me. Maybe, Hunter (Bill) hasn't gone about this in the best possible way, but he is clearly interested in the sport and wants to help. He sure as hell doesn't want the position for the $$. One would think there would be a way to direct his enthusiasm other than to say, just go away.

I hesitated about responding to the following posts-- but here goes:

The NBRSA wants Directors who are dedicated to fulfilling the mandate of the Organization

I would think that this dedication would extend to not only bothering to keep your membership current, but also being an active participant in the events that the Organization sanctions.

1. Do you think that such dedication would extend to directors and officers being responsive, in a timely fashion, to NBRSA-related inquiries from members?

2. How much active participation do you think qualifies? BTW, see item 1 in post # 1 at

It seems to me that:
1. No one cares.

2. No one cares.

3. No one cares.

So, you're saying no one cares about:

a. the NBRSA having lost over $25K last year?
b. a member being ousted for what seems to be less-than-legitimate reasons?
c. several ranges no longer holding registered matches because of b. above?
d. the membership being on a fairly steady decline for 20 years?
e. the membership, as of last year, being the lowest in 20 years?
f. a director seemingly over-riding the unanimous mandate of the members present at a previously announced regional meeting?
g. the BOD purposely erecting needless obstacles to challenging an incumbent director?

I don't believe any of those things!
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A couple of responses to this thread puzzle me. I've frequented this board for close to twenty years. During that time roughly every 6 months someone starts a thread bemoaning why benchrest isn't growing and asked how it can be grown.
I asked Wilbur what were the duties of regional directors. He told me that part of the duties were actively doing things to promote and grow benchrest in their region. This would include recruiting new ranges and shooters and establishing new competitions. (Wilbur can feel free to correct me if I misunderstood or misquoted him). I have been the benchrest chairman for a club of more than 1000 members for fifteen years. I have been president of this club for one year. During that time I have never once been approached by anyone representing NBRSA. In addition, I have shot in benchrest competition at a range/club where one of the regional directors is a member (or was). I have shot there a minimum of three times per year. (I shoot there when it gets too cold at our range). I have only seen this person at the range one time and even then he wasn't there to shoot. My point is, I don't see any active promotion going on.

Now you have an active shooter who is displeased with the current leadership. Whether he has good reason is difficult to say as said leadership doesn't seem to want to share information. What folks have told him in this thread is essentially, " take your toys and go play in the street". He's been told nobody cares, which appears to be true. And he's been told to grow up. I'm sure I'm not the only non-member who has watched this thread. The picture you folks are painting of the NBRSA isn't one that will attract many new shooters/members or so it seems to me. Maybe, Hunter (Bill) hasn't gone about this in the best possible way, but he is clearly interested in the sport and wants to help. He sure as hell doesn't want the position for the $$. One would think there would be a way to direct his enthusiasm other than to say, just go away.


Rick, what region of the NBRSA are you in and what club do you represent? I respect your right to have a handle when you post as sometimes it's not in a person's best interest to advertise that he lives in such and such town along with his name and advertise that he is a gun owner. Everyone isn't honest and crooks will go to great lengths to find places where they can break in and steal. However, when you don't see a name, you don't know who to contact to see if a club is interested in hosting NBRSA matches. I guarantee any director will not turn you down if you want to host registered NBRSA matches. He'll try his best to fit your club and their matches into the region's schedule. If you don't know who the director of the region where you live, you can find it on the NBRSA web site or probably easier to find it in a copy of Precision Rifleman magazine which is available for download by anyone including non-members on the NBRSA web site. Contact your director. I'm the current director for the Gulf Coast regions which is Texas and Louisiana. We recently lost the Denton club who had been hosting matches for the past several years when Mike Stinnett stepped down and quit hosting them. If there is someone in the Denton club who would like to start back up hosting matches at Denton, I'd be glad to put them into the 2019 schedule. Having the director contact you is hard to do when he doesn't know who to contact. For instance, I have no idea of who to contact at Denton to try to get benchrest matches going again there.

The sole purpose of the particular by laws amendment that Bill is talking about is that the board feels that anyone who wants to run as director should be an active shooter. When you have three years consecutive membership during which you run for the director's job, that's a pretty good sign that you are a pretty active shooter. I don't think there is anyone on the board that is a lawyer and I can see how the wording could be misinterpreted from what was intended by the board. Pretty well what the board intended at least to my understanding with that amendment to the by laws is that before a person runs for office of director, that he should be a member of the NBRSA for the past three years without a lapse in membership within those three years before he or she can run for director. Pretty simple and it makes sense to me. We may need to correct the wording of the amendment to make it a little clearer.
Well put Mike and it's not what the Organization to do for ? but what ? can do for the organization. Unfortunately this fellow has been trying to grind an axe for way to long and he has not been doing it in the best interest of the organization. Just an observation from an outsider who has been following it along. I am a competitive shooter but I compete in a different game.
The sole purpose of the particular by laws amendment that Bill is talking about is that the board feels that anyone who wants to run as director should be an active shooter. When you have three years consecutive membership during which you run for the director's job, that's a pretty good sign that you are a pretty active shooter....Pretty well what the board intended at least to my understanding with that amendment to the by laws is that before a person runs for office of director, that he should be a member of the NBRSA for the past three years without a lapse in membership within those three years before he or she can run for director. Pretty simple and it makes sense to me.

Mike, thanks for weighing-in on this thread. Just a FYI, during the four consecutive years prior to my near-one-year lapse in membership, I shot in or helped run every registered match in GA, shot in two registered matches outside of GA, three Super Shoots and one Nationals; l also shot in and helped run every club match at River Bend. During my near-one-year lapse I helped run, gratis, both registered matches at River Bend and shot in and helped run every club match at River Bend. Since I've reactivated my membership, I've shot in two of the three registered matches in GA and all of the club matches at River Bend. Contrary to what anyone might say, I am an active shooter.

As for the second part of the quoted part of your post, the rule seemed to work fine until I came along.

BTW, the amendment does NOTHING to assure that a nominee for director is an active shooter!
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I ran mathes for seven years and I never expected anything in return so what is it that you actually think you deserve that others do not? I have yet to see it made perfectly clear in your ongoing Rants. If you don't like it leave if you Love it get out and shoot and make friends and not enemy's. If you believe there is a way to make everyone happy it ain't going to happen!
Rick, what region of the NBRSA are you in and what club do you represent? I respect your right to have a handle when you post as sometimes it's not in a person's best interest to advertise that he lives in such and such town along with his name and advertise that he is a gun owner. Everyone isn't honest and crooks will go to great lengths to find places where they can break in and steal. However, when you don't see a name, you don't know who to contact to see if a club is interested in hosting NBRSA matches. I guarantee any director will not turn you down if you want to host registered NBRSA matches. He'll try his best to fit your club and their matches into the region's schedule. If you don't know who the director of the region where you live, you can find it on the NBRSA web site or probably easier to find it in a copy of Precision Rifleman magazine which is available for download by anyone including non-members on the NBRSA web site. Contact your director. I'm the current director for the Gulf Coast regions which is Texas and Louisiana. We recently lost the Denton club who had been hosting matches for the past several years when Mike Stinnett stepped down and quit hosting them. If there is someone in the Denton club who would like to start back up hosting matches at Denton, I'd be glad to put them into the 2019 schedule. Having the director contact you is hard to do when he doesn't know who to contact. For instance, I have no idea of who to contact at Denton to try to get benchrest matches going again there.

The sole purpose of the particular by laws amendment that Bill is talking about is that the board feels that anyone who wants to run as director should be an active shooter. When you have three years consecutive membership during which you run for the director's job, that's a pretty good sign that you are a pretty active shooter. I don't think there is anyone on the board that is a lawyer and I can see how the wording could be misinterpreted from what was intended by the board. Pretty well what the board intended at least to my understanding with that amendment to the by laws is that before a person runs for office of director, that he should be a member of the NBRSA for the past three years without a lapse in membership within those three years before he or she can run for director. Pretty simple and it makes sense to me. We may need to correct the wording of the amendment to make it a little clearer.

Let me begin by thanking you for taking time out of your day to help a fellow gunsmith, new to chamber work, this week. The rifle he was asking about is mine.

I am certainly not trying to hide who I am or where by using a screen name. I've used it since I've been on this board as well as several others. As much as I've posted I would have thought that most would know me, but then, I'm not important anyway. I did not name the region or the regional director as I don't care to single him out. If someone really wants to know where I am that wouldn't be difficult to discover. Looking at the matches across the country I suspect he isn't unique. My point is, if a regional director is actively looking for new venues it is his responsibility to find them. Certainly, if I were looking to be a part of the NBRSA I know how to make contact. But if a person has a business or product to sell he doesn't just sit next to the phone waiting for prospective customers to call, he goes out and finds them. I don't see the current director in my region doing that and I suspect this is the case in most parts of the country. If the NBRSA membership is satisfied with the performance of their directors then that's fine and things won't change. I will admit that Bill probably hasn't gone about this thing in the best way, but OTOH he does want to help and I don't understand the resistance he's getting.

Here's a question to no one in particular:
What qualifies a person to get your nod for president or Board member?
Must that person be a world class shooter?
Must that person be run of the mill shooter?
Must he or she be a shooter at all?
Must he be a he?
Is the ability to negotiate settlements a plus?
Is Mr. or Mrs. Congeniality necessary?
Must a person have been a member for three years?
Is a law degree a plus or minus?
Is organizational history needed?
That's more than one question but I was on a roll. I guess what I'm asking is what should the make up of the Board look like?[/QUOTE

1. No
2. No
3. Yes
4. No
5. Yes
6. People skills are a plus
7. Yes
8. A law degree is a non issue.
9. A thorough knowledge of what Benchrest represents is a huge plus.
Mike, thanks for weighing-in on this thread. Just a FYI, during the four consecutive years prior to my near-one-year lapse in membership, I shot in or helped run every registered match in GA, shot in two registered matches outside of GA, three Super Shoots and one Nationals; l also shot in and helped run every club match at River Bend. During my near-one-year lapse I helped run, gratis, both registered matches at River Bend and shot in and helped run every club match at River Bend. Since I've reactivated my membership, I've shot in two of the three registered matches in GA and all of the club matches at River Bend. Contrary to what anyone might say, I am an active shooter.

As for the second part of the quoted part of your post, the rule seemed to work fine until I came along.

BTW, the amendment does NOTHING to assure that a nominee for director is an active shooter!

Bill, I don’t doubt that you’ve done a lot for benchrest in your area. I’ve shot very little in the SE region so don’t know the people who are behind the scenes that make everything happen. The few that I did know have passed on and are no longer here anymore. I have Bill Monroe’s song “In the Pines” on my phone due to Brady Knights’ rendition of it while serving as range officer at Rachael’s Glenn. I haven’t met all the ones in the Gulf Coast region who run the matches yet for that matter. But, I’m trying. I don’t see that this change to the by laws for the director to have three years consecutive membership will affect you the next time that the SE region director comes up for re-election. You would think that someone who is interested enough to keep his membership current for three years and then run for director would be an active shooter. Being an active shooter, of course, is relative. I consider someone who shoots one match a year as being an active shooter rather than someone who hasn’t picked up a benchrest rifle in ten years. I believe we are all in this sport because we want to shoot and compete. We have two more matches in the Gulf Coast region this year, the Cotton Boll in Lubbock, TX Sept. 29th and 30th and the Long Range Group Nationals in Huntsville, Texas Oct. 6th and 7th. Anyone who’d like to make the trip to Texas this coming up weekend or the next weekend are more than welcome to come and compete with us Texicans.
Let me begin by thanking you for taking time out of your day to help a fellow gunsmith, new to chamber work, this week. The rifle he was asking about is mine.

I am certainly not trying to hide who I am or where by using a screen name. I've used it since I've been on this board as well as several others. As much as I've posted I would have thought that most would know me, but then, I'm not important anyway. I did not name the region or the regional director as I don't care to single him out. If someone really wants to know where I am that wouldn't be difficult to discover. Looking at the matches across the country I suspect he isn't unique. My point is, if a regional director is actively looking for new venues it is his responsibility to find them. Certainly, if I were looking to be a part of the NBRSA I know how to make contact. But if a person has a business or product to sell he doesn't just sit next to the phone waiting for prospective customers to call, he goes out and finds them. I don't see the current director in my region doing that and I suspect this is the case in most parts of the country. If the NBRSA membership is satisfied with the performance of their directors then that's fine and things won't change. I will admit that Bill probably hasn't gone about this thing in the best way, but OTOH he does want to help and I don't understand the resistance he's getting.


Rick, I was glad to answer his questions. I sent off three barrels Monday for a new shooter in Tennessee who shot in his first UBR match within the last couple of weeks. I’d say he is getting pretty serious. I’m sure you’ll be seeing him quite regularly. I received a phone call today and I now have some contact information to get in touch with someone at Denton. Hopefully, we can get them back to holding at least one match a year. I was told that the last match they had there had 6 shooters and was why they quit. I personally would rather see one match a month with a high turn out than a match every other weekend with a poor turn out.