thanks for psl

bob finger

New member
Other threads have congratulated the winners. They all deserve the accolades for a job well done.

What also has to be recognized is the hard work of Dan and Dawn to give us the opportunity to compete. Thanks must go to Lapua and all the other sponsors who helped make it happen. And to the gun clubs that allowed the shoots to happen on their ranges.

It was a blast in 2009! Thanks for giving us a venue to enjoy whether we won, came in last or somewhere in between. Friends were made, stories told and some of us were humbled by great shooting. bob finger
Thanks Dan & Dawn

I too would like to thank Dan & Dawn for everything they put into making the PSL another option/goal for all of us competitors. The PSL is a prime example of how hard work & dedication can be turned into something terrific. The PSL target is very challenging and the matches always brought out the best shooters around to compete against each other. It is also great to have the money prizes hanging out there to aspire to. Thanks again Dan & Dawn.

Mike Sherrill
Thanks Dan & Dawn

I too had a blast this year . Thanks not only for all the hard work but for the professionalism in the way you ran matches. I think every match built on the last . I also think thing progressed positively all year long. Next year everyone has plenty to look forward to. Thanks for taking our sport to the next level. David K