Thank you Pete!!


Active member
At the end of our match today Pete announced that this was his last match as Match Director. There have been rumblings in the past but he's finally taken the plunge.
Thanks You Pete for all you've done at the range before, during, & after the matches.As all MD's do. You've been a great friend & mentor & we all appreciate all you've done.
May you sleep in on match days & kick back & let others run the match! Happy Shooting!!

It's been quite a ride Keith

I started running Rimfire Matches back in the middle 90's when I saw in a Precision Shooting Magazine such a thing existed. We decided to use the IBS target and all of us began to buy rifles. It took a couple of years for a real BR rifle to appear but a couple of the Anschutz rifles were as competitive.

When I took over in Augusta, there was only UL there and there was a group of guys who wanted to shoot 3 gun as well so we did. It's been fun and we have seen at least 4 of our regulars get into the HOF during those years. BUT, comes the time when one realizes they really would rather be doing less work and shouldering less responsibility. And so it came to me this season. It's just time for me to become one of the shooters again is all. I wish everyone the very best in the future.

I would like to thank everyone who has supported our matches over the years with their attendance and their help with running things. We could never have done it without you over all this time. Thank you all.


No doubt you've done a great job, and that it's a lot of work. After having run matches myself at Pinnacle Mountain over in NH for 16 years, until my body said no more, I can totally understand where you're at.

One correction though. I used to come up to Augusta and shoot IR 50/50 3-Gun back in the late 90's. That was even before the Unlimited Class existed, and then when it did, we shot that as well. There were always 6 or 10 shooters from around the area at the regular matches, then a dozen or more for the States shoots including a few from New York. And, yes we did have real BR rifles at the time. Just ask Ken or Cheri Henderson, or Todd Banks as we were all there and shooting custom built BR rifles.

I feel dumb for saying this, but I can't remember the match director's name at the time for the life of me. And it's not like I didn't see him much as he used to drive down to Pinnacle to shoot IR with us during the winter months, so I basically saw him 12 months of the year. Oh well, I guess old age is getting the better of me too.

See you next week in Salem at the USABR Nationals.

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P.S. John Picher, that's the fellows name who ran the matches back in the 90's thru at least 2003. '03 was my last set of matches I drove up to at Capitol City for.
Been a long road Pete

Like the song goes
Thanks for the memories . It's been fun everytime I shot CC.
Thanks again
Hi Pete,

We haven't met. I live an hour south of Augusta and I'm interested in coming up to your club to try RFBR next season.

So my question is...has someone stepped up and taken over the RFBR events? How do I get started next season? Just watch the club's website calendar and show up at an event?

Thank you!