Testing the attachment feature


cook and bottle washer
Can Y'all see the image?


  • fryer control.jpg
    fryer control.jpg
    18.6 KB · Views: 381
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Works fine with a jpg file. How about a pdf file??



  • Benchrest Central Classifieds.pdf
    82.4 KB · Views: 4,607
I gave up trying to fix that 'quick reply'

Too many failed attachments - actually 100% of the attachments using 'quick reply' failed.

Turns out, the attachment thingy that makes you believe you can attach simply wont work.

I turned off the quick reply. Hope that doesn't cause too much grief.
It really isn't that big a deal to just link a picture from any number of free web sites that offer photo storage. That's an advantage to the site too since the images aren't stored on the site's servers.

I like the photo management here, don't see that feature elsewhere.

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I'll be more than happy to explain

As an aside, Mr Harris, would you satisfy my curiosity and please explain the subject matter of your first photo???

I'd rather be explaining something more "clandestine" but that first picture is one of a PID temperature controller, a contactor and a deep fat fryer. The deep fat fryer wouldn't hold temperature within the narrow band required for the first frying of "pommes souffle" so I ran the thermostat as high as it would go, wired the PID and fryer to the contactor, and set the PID at the desired temperature - which was lower than the thermostat setting thereby taking the thermostat out of the picture. The thermostat controlled +/- 20 degrees and the PID controlled at +/- 4 degrees. I coulda set it closer but didn't want it to wear out my contactor.

The second pic is of some succesful pommes souffles. Delightful they were but way too much trouble. I told everybody to get their fill because THIS WAS IT. I had a reasonable success rate of about 3 souffles to every 5 slices of potato. Every now and then one would take off like a jet ski stuck wide open.
... that first picture is one of a PID temperature controller, a contactor and a deep fat fryer. The deep fat fryer wouldn't hold temperature within the narrow band required for the first frying of "pommes souffle" so I ran the thermostat as high as it would go, wired the PID and fryer to the contactor, and set the PID at the desired temperature - which was lower than the thermostat setting thereby taking the thermostat out of the picture. The thermostat controlled +/- 20 degrees and the PID controlled at +/- 4 degrees. I coulda set it closer but didn't want it to wear out my contactor.

Is that theme entirely consistent with the use of this particular forum, to wit, Firearms topics not related to Benchrest? I fear that you are just encouraging dissension within the ranks.

Perhaps I should run away & hide now......

I'd rather be explaining something more "clandestine" but that first picture is one of a PID temperature controller, a contactor and a deep fat fryer. The deep fat fryer wouldn't hold temperature within the narrow band required for the first frying of "pommes souffle" so I ran the thermostat as high as it would go, wired the PID and fryer to the contactor, and set the PID at the desired temperature - which was lower than the thermostat setting thereby taking the thermostat out of the picture. The thermostat controlled +/- 20 degrees and the PID controlled at +/- 4 degrees. I coulda set it closer but didn't want it to wear out my contactor.

The second pic is of some succesful pommes souffles. Delightful they were but way too much trouble. I told everybody to get their fill because THIS WAS IT. I had a reasonable success rate of about 3 souffles to every 5 slices of potato. Every now and then one would take off like a jet ski stuck wide open.

like to have seen that particular jet ski. lol:D


Is that theme entirely consistent with the use of this particular forum, to wit, Firearms topics not related to Benchrest? I fear that you are just encouraging dissension within the ranks.

Perhaps I should run away & hide now......


Should I delete it? I've got my eye on a couple of others and can get this one while I'm there.
Well, Wilbur,

...the fryer is resting on a bench. That would seem to make your picture totally on topic.


Did you deep fry that apple too ?

No - we keep an apple around so the fruit flies will have somewhere to go. Learned that at work. There was a bothersome epidemic of fruit flies in the office building. We taped a banana peel under the plant manager's desk and they all went to his office.