take on XTC as well as F class?

Edward Ashley

New member
Our club has a mix of high power shooters and F class. I am an older (73) newbie, shooting in F class, but we don't have all that many home matches. (Travel would be a domestic problem for me) So I am thinking of taking up high power in addition to F class, probably not service rifle but match rifle, maybe 'any any' with a scope. Have to see if aperture sights work for me at 600. The idea being to get more match trigger time.
Is this a totally looney tunes idea at my age? I do yoga, and am reasonably limber, think I can handle sitting position. I know, I should borrow some gear to try out and get some coaching before I dive in, but am wondering if this is all wishful thinking/delusional on my part.
Any thoughts?
If you can handle being tied up in position with a sling for a period of time, say 20 minutes or so, then no its not crazy. Thats why HP has a Grand Senior (70+) category ;)

Depending on your vision, you may have trouble with aperature sights. It seems that as people get older, unless they have perfect uncorrected vision (very few do by your age), aperature sights give them fits as there is only so much that different aperatures, lenses and filters can do to help the Mk1 Mod0 eyeball out. That said, I believe they recently (last couple years) made it legal to use lenses in both the front and rear sights, so that may change the equation some what.

No way to know until you try... HP is a unique challenge, one that centers more on the individual on the firing line and less on the gear or the loading bench. If you have folks willing to let you borrow/test-drive some equipment to get a taste of the sport... I'd say go for it.
Check with the match director, their name will be on the match bulletin, for the matches that provide any sight any rifle whether they will allow you to shoot F-class in those matches.

People have used the same match bulletins for years and maybe allow F-class shooters but have not updated the bulletins to reflect this. I have heard that the NRA encourages match directors include F-class shooters in the match rifle HP matches. Keep in mind that F-class is not a new discipline but a new sub-discipline and we use the same rule book with some additional definitions for F-class.

Hope this helps,
Check out Nashua Fish and Game.
They have open Thursday morning practice where you will find an active group of XTC and F-Class shooters. You will also find some older gents still shooting. I shot the practice there and also with the Schuetzen group on Mondays, which is a bunch of old retired farts having fun. Just go down introduce yourself.
It would be easier for the match director to accommodate you if you can find a partner so you can shoot on the same point, either score in the pit or score yourself. Across the course the most practical way for the match director to insert in you would in the slow fire prone or shoot as fast as you can during the 300 yard rapid stage for the time period of 70 seconds to fire 10 rounds. Most like the match director will accommodate you, but give them time to acquire the F Class targets in case they do have them.

The club may shoot mid range even if all matches are fired at 600. We found when had mid range matches more than half of the shooters are F Class.